7: Bible Club

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It's Sunday, today's the first time I'll be going to church with Asher and Jessica. Asher made us breakfast, which was delicious may I add, he's a really good cook. Jessica came and joined us then after I showed her to my bedroom where she did my hair for me. My usual bounce curls are now tied in two ponytail plaits.

Afterwards we picked out what dress I should wear, and she found a pretty purple light dress. When I put it on and return to the room, Jessie squealed as she did a happy dance saying how cute I looked. The dance she did made me laugh.

Asher packed us lunch and it was time to go.

I wonder if I went to church with my parents when they were alive? Maybe, my memories are kind of fuzzy, but I remember a little about them.

Like that nightmare I had before of them dying in that fire. My parents did die in a fire sadly and I remember crying for them but of course they never came. I'm okay now, I know they're in a better a better place and I'll see them someday.


Snapping out of my thoughts, I realized that I was crying, "Are you okay?" Jessica asked me, her and Asher both have worried looks.

"Uh, yeah, can you please me a tissue." Asher hands me one and I wiped my eyes, glancing out the window I noticed the car is parked.

"We're here!" Asher said getting out the car and Jessie and I followed suit, "Asher, is it okay if I introduce your daughter to a few people?" Jessica asks her brother.

He nodded and Jessie brings over to this family, "Hello, Watson family!" She greets.

The woman turns around and smiled at her, "Jess." She smiled then her eyes make their way down at me and a gasp escapes from her mouth, "Clementine?"

I tilted my head up at her and then my eyes widened, "CLEMENTINE." Hanna attacks me with a hug, "You're actually here." She lets go and turns to Mrs. Watson, "Mommy, this is who I was talking about, Clementine, she transferred to our school and is Jessica's niece."

"Oh." Mrs. Watson looks from us to Jessie who was looking confused, "How do you know Clementine?"

My therapist composed herself and smiles, "Sorry, it's just that I'm Clementine's therapist, is all. I wasn't expecting the girl that transferred to your school, and that became my daughter's friend, and your niece to be one of my clients." Mrs. Watson laughed.

"Whoa." I heard Hanna whisper and turn to her with a raised eyebrow, and she looked at me, "Clem, do you know what this means?"

I shook my head and puts both her hands on my shoulders, "It means we were meant to be friends. If my mom is your therapist and then we later meet in school, and I was the one to walk you class where Jessica is our teacher and she's now your aunt." My friend lets out a loud gasp earning the adult's attention, "And my uncle and Jessica like one another and if they get married then we'll become a family!" She said shocked at the revelation she came to know.

Clementine already figured that out, "Okay, enough of that." Adrian picked her up and carries off. Glancing up at Jessica a saw her cheeks tinted pink, and Mrs. Watson looks to be trying to hold in her laughter.

Later that day, I finally was able to attend Jessie's bible club and there were a lot of kids my age, younger and teenagers. Jessica read us kid's stories from the bible, and we played games, and listened to songs about our Lord and Savior. While we were doing that the teens had their own thing they were doing, I think my aunt is mostly in charge of the younger children because there someone else talking to the teens while she was with us but she's in charge of the club.

Oh, I didn't mention the kids and teens are split up so us kids are in one room and the teens go into another room to do their stuff, hm, makes sense.

Anyway, I had fun and felt closer to Jesus. It's amazing how he sacrificed himself so we could have eternal life with him, in heaven. So, I can forever be with him, he took our place. He knew who knew no sin became sin for us. He took everything on himself, he's so selfless and loving. 

NKJV 2 Corinthians 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

NKJV John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

When it was time go, I said bye to the Watson family and Esther and her family. On the way home I opened my bible and started reading from the beginning.

I smiled knowing that I was made with so much love and care. And I was made with a purpose.

"What are you smiling about back there?" Asher asked glancing in the rearview mirror at me.

"It's nice to know that I was put here for a specific reason." I said smiling and continued reading my bible.









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God Bless you :)

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