11: Why?

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"WHY?" Not too long ago Jisoo and I got home from school and Aunt Lee comes into Jisoo's room and tells me that I can't go to the hospital to see my mom. Aunt Lee sighed like she's already tired of me, "Because Willow, I'm going to be busy with a client and Jessie is staying over at a friend's house." She said, her phone starts ringing.

"Oh, look at that? Business calls." She says smiling and answered.

"Hello?" She waved bye then turned to the door and walks out.

I frowned and turned to Jisoo who smiled gently at me and holds up a piece of paper. "Don't be sad, Low. Let's do our homework first then we can watch movies like how we used when we were young-er." That idea sounds fun and it can take my mind off my mother for a little bit.

"Sure." I said and we began to do our Spanish homework together and then afterwards Jisoo microwaved us some popcorn and we sat in the living room and put a comedy movie, Jisoo loves comedy and so do I and romance. I love watching two people fall in love.

Jisoo and I are sitting on the couch laughing at the movie. 

Jisoo calms down first and looks at me, "Willow?"

"Yes?" I said not taking my eyes from the big screen tv on the wall.

"I'm sorry for my mom." The way she said it is what got my attention and I tore my eyes from the screen and looked at her, her brown eyes were filled with sadness. 

"It's okay, Ji." 

"No, my mom's a busy woman that isn't the problem. She's a single mother and is raising two kids, what I'm trying say is that she doesn't seem to have time to spend with us." Jisoo cut herself off before she started to rant.

"I'm just sorry, I'm sorry." She repeated and turned back to the movie.

I stared at her for a while and then also turned back to the movie. I put a piece of popcorn in my mouth and thought about everything that happened today.

"Okay." Was all I said.



Today's actually my day off and when I should be happy to get some rest, I'm sad that I can't see Kelly today. I sighed getting out of bed and went to the bathroom. It's a little funny how when I was a teenager, waking up early was never my favorite but now I love waking up early.

My favorite thing about waking up early is hearing the birds singing. One time I watched the sunrise, and it was so beautiful and seeing the creatures start their day.

Looking at myself in the mirror I smiled knowing that I am beautifully and wonderfully made.

Putting the toothpaste on my toothbrush I brushed my teeth. 

Leaving the bathroom, I smiled at my dog who is lying down in her bed in the corner of the bedroom. "Morning, girl." She lifted her head up at me and let out an ecstatic bark.

"You hungry?" She answered me by getting up and walking to the bedroom door waiting for me to open it, and I happily obliged.

Walking in the kitchen I went to the pantry and takes out a can of dog food. Sandy patiently waits for me to pour the food in her bowl. "Here's your breakfast, Sandy."

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