12: The Good News

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Dad and mom already left to church, I'm about to leave myself to pick up Heather. Heather is actually serious about wanting her life to change and I let her know that God is the only one who can do that, who can change her for the better, but she needs to let him.

I locked front door of the house and got in my dark blue car.

Sending a quick text to Heather, I let her know I was coming to pick her up then I started the vehicle. Stopping in front of his childhood friend's house. I watched as Heather skips out to my car and got in.

"Hello, Peter, thank you for inviting me to your church." She grinned as she went to put her seatbelt on, "I'm happy you agreed to come." I said driving away from her home.

I parked the car into the parking lot.

Entering the church building I saw Heather stiffen up a bit beside me nervously rubbing her hands together. I rested my hand on her shoulder reassuring her, "It's okay, we're in the house of God. You're safe here." I whispered and she nodded giving me a small smile.

I saw Willow talking to her mother and Jisoo when we made eye contact, she waved, and I gave a slight nod. Willow walks up to her us and surprises Heather with a hug, "Sorry." She pulls away, "I might not look it but I'm kind of a hugger." She told my nervous friend.

"It's alright." Heather lightly nods not knowing how to act in front of her, "Um, I'm sorry for how I acted to you. You never deserved my horrible behavior, and no one does for that matter." She frowned.

Willow brushed it off, "Water under the bridge. I don't hold grudges, maybe we can be friends now?" The girl eyes were filled joy and hope.

"Yeah." The darker red head said smiling and all I could think was, "Progress." After talking to Willow, I guided Heather to my family who are sitting somewhere in the front. My parents were shocked seeing Heather there but welcomed her with open arms.

Today the pastor decided to start by telling everyone the Gospel. I'm so happy that I brought Heather to my church today, God is doing something and it's going to be amazing!


1 Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

I glanced over at Heather to notice she was listening intently to what the pastor was saying with eyes filled with awe I told her about the gospel before, but I can tell this time it's really setting into her heart this time.

"Peter." She whispers.

I hummed and turned my head to her. She keeps her eyes straight ahead, "I want to have a relationship with Jesus Christ." She beamed.

I also beamed, "That's great news, Heather!"

Looking up, I closed my eyes and thanked God.

My childhood friend is finally decided to give her life to Jesus Christ after hearing The Good News, my prayers been answered.








What do you think about Heather and Peter?

Jesus Loves You 🤍


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