16: Trip to the toy store

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Aunt Stacy popped her head in my bedroom, "Clem, pack your stuff you'll be staying with Jessica for a day." I lift my head up at her.

"Why?" I tilt my head confused. "I won't be home, and you can't stay home alone." She said and left I hear her footsteps heading to her room down the hall on the wooden floor. "O-kay." Getting up from my coloring I cleaned everything up and went packing some clothes for one day.

The time is 3:40 I'm in the car and Stacy is driving me to Jessica's house. We arrived and I saw Jessica standing outside her house. She waved, I got out of the car Stacy rolled the window down, "Thank you, Jessica!" 

"No need to thank me, I love watching this little one." Jessica said walking toward us smiling.

Stacy turned to me, "Remember what I said Clem?" She gave me a serious look and I nodded, "Yes, Aunt Stacy I'll be good."

"We'll be fine, have a safe trip." She grinned. 

"I'll see you on Friday." My aunt smiled and we watched as she drove away.

"Okay, let's go inside." Jessica opened the door, and I walked inside her beautiful home. We sat on the yellow couch, "What do you want to do?"

I shrugged, Jessica gasped in excitement, "I know what we can do, wait here." I nodded and she jumped up and ran upstairs.

I waited patiently for her as I kicked my feet back and forth looking around the familiar room. I don't know what she has in mind for us to do but she seems really excited. Jessica didn't take long to return downstairs.

The woman runs down the steps and sat down next to me in the same spot.


"A bible?" I questioned as she handed the bible to me. 

She smiled nodding, "Since Stacy won't let you come to church, I want to give you this bible it's a children bible and I give all the kids that attend my bible club."

I looked up at her with hopeful eyes, "I want to go to your bible club." Her eyes turned sympathetic, "I know sweetie, maybe one day you will." She smiled and I nodded and silently prayed that I'll be able to go to Jessica's bible church one day. My aunt isn't a Christian, but I heard that my parents were, I don't remember much about my parents, but I have a few memories of them, especially my mom.  

I opened the beautiful bible with the gold written on the front. "Genesis." I read, Jessica asked me if I wanted her read it to me and I nodded happily.

Jessica read the bible to me for two hours and I carefully listened and was focused as she read the scriptures and verses to me. She finished and decided to start making dinner, "What would you like for dinner?" Jessica asked standing up and setting the bible on the coffee table.

Putting my thinking face on, "Um... macaroni and cheese with broccoli." 

"Sounds good, you wanna help?" Jessica asked me turning around and skipped to the kitchen. I hopped up and quickly followed her. She takes the macaroni box out of the pantry and then walked to the fridge to get the broccoli. 

"You do the mac and cheese while I do the broccoli." I looked at her, 'I never made mac and cheese before.'  She laughed when she saw the look on my face. "I'm joking Clem, I help you once I get the broccoli started on the stove."

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