3: The Hospital

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A loud blaring sound woke me out of my sleep. It was drowning out my music that I had down low, sitting up from the bed and I rubbed the sleep out of my eye. 

"What's happening?"

The clock said 5:20 a.m. I have to get ready for school in a while, so I forced myself out of bed and I wearing my little mouse pajama set. I'm still pretty tired maybe I should ask mom if I can stay home. That blaring noise hasn't stopped yet, in fact I think it has gotten louder like it's in front of the house.

I walked to the windows and peeked through the blinds to see flashing red lights.

My eyes widened, 'What!?'

I dashed out my bedroom and run downstairs I saw two people carrying my mom out of the house. "What happened? Why is my mom on this stretcher?" I panicked running up to one of the workers. "We're taking her the hospital."

I figured that but why?!

"WAIT I'M COMING." I ran upstairs to put some shoes on, and I grabbed my school bag. You might be wondering why I'm taking my bag even though it's obviously I'm not going to school today. I don't know how long we'll be there, and I want something to do.

"Mam, we're leaving!" The paramedic yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled running down the stairs and out the front door. The paramedic locked the door and closed it, the other paramedic helped me in the ambulance. I slumped down close to mom she had on one those things that help you breathe. "Mommy, I'm here. You'll be okay no matter what happens I have faith that you'll be okay." I choked.

She looked at me and I think I saw her give me a small smile. I smiled back or I tried to return it, but my emotions got the best of me, and I let out a sob. 

She looked away from me stared up at the ceiling. I turned to look up at the ceiling too but found nothing interesting about the ceiling of the ambulance truck. My eyes turned to look back at her and got scared. "Mom?" I lightly shook her which done nothing she was out like a light. The paramedic that helped me in the truck put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me out of the way.

One part of my mind was like RUDE, but the other part that is logical understood and knew they had to see if everything's fine or not. Tears poured down my eyes like a waterfall I didn't know what to do and I couldn't help my mother the only parent I have left. So that only means one thing I sat down and prayed, I asked God to save my mother, for her to be healed from whatever could be attacking her health, right now.




I don't how things work in a hospital. So, I'm sorry if I get this is not accurate. 


"Everything seems to look good." I said walking in the room looking up from the clipboard in my hand at the family. The family consists of a father, mother, their six-year-old son, and the laying on the hospital bed is an elder woman. 

"Then that means grandma can come home?" The boy asked hope feeling his big blue eyes. I nodded smiling down at him then turned to his parents, "Can I speak to you in the hall?" They nod and followed me out into the hall.

"Will my mother get better, Dr. Hernandez?" The wife asked me. I love being a doctor ever since I was a kid I wanted to help people get better. But times like this I wonder to myself do I want to keep doing this? I love seeing people heal and see the smile on my patients and their family, but the downside is if they don't get healed and then the family is mad at me. Or they don't blame me, but they have long sad look on their face that says it all.

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