21: A Date

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Willow and I returned home I told Willow to take Leon to her room while put the groceries away. Annabelle's funeral will be on Sunday, Annabelle doesn't seem to have any family members except for Leon of course so I think it's only going to be me, Willow, Leon.

After putting the groceries away I called Asher.

"Kelly, how it going? Did you get home safe?" I smiled at how caring and sweet he sounds.

"Hi, Ash, I-I think we need to reschedule our date."

"Why? Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Ha, yeah, something happened and I'm trying to figure out what to do."

"Maybe, we can talk about it over dinner?" He said with hope in his voice. I thought about it for a minute and said, "Okay, maybe you're right."

"Really? Oh! I really want to spend time with you, Kelly. Somewhere not in the hospital." He said and I laughed, "Yeah, okay, I guess we're still on for tomorrow."

"What time do you want me to pick you up?"

"Seven thirty." I decided and he said "Okay."  And I said bye and ended the call letting out a sigh. I wonder how Willow and the baby is doing, walking up the stairs I went check up on them and what I saw made me smile. Willow is singing to Leon in a soft soothing voice, and I can his big eyes staring up at her in curiosity from where I'm standing at the door.

Willow finished her song and looked up seeing me and smiled.

"Tomorrow I'm going to go out with Asher, do you think you can take care of Leon while I'm out." I asked her sitting beside her on the bed.

She nods and I can tell she's excited to babysit someone for the first time.

"Thanks, after the funeral I'm going to sign the adoption papers." And she bit her bottom lip holding in a squeal and I rubbed her back then stood up to make a call.

"We're gonna need somewhere he can sleep for tonight." I said.

"He can sleep in my room." Willow spoke up and I nodded and left the bedroom.


"I'll be back soon, if you need something don't be scared to call me or Aunt Norah." I told my daughter as I get ready for my date. Willow nodded her head and hugged her mother, "Okay mom, have fun your date."

I smiled at her and hugged back then the doorbell rang.

"Oh, that must be him!" Willow squealed and beamed in excitement and to the front door. Willow smiled, "Hello." She said to Asher who was holding a bouquet of roses, "You're for mom? Mom, Mr. Hernandez is her!" 

I shook my head walking up behind my daughter and with a smile on my face.

"Thank you, Willow." I looked at Asher, "I love roses." He handed them to me and I gave them to teen daughter, "Put these in a vase, please." I kissed her on the forehead grabbed my purse and left with Asher to his car.

Asher brought me to a nice restaurant. He holds the door open for me, "Thank you." I said and he grinned showing all his nice white teeth, "You're quite welcome." The host smiled at us, "Hi, how may I help you?"

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