5: Future Wife

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"Thank you, bro, you don't have to worry about picking me up. Joy's father will be giving me a ride." I told my older brother.

"Okay, sis. I know you'll do great." He said.

"Thanks." I replied and waved bye as you drove off, it's seven in the morning and I found out Willow came here around five to audition and turns she got the part. I'm so happy for her that couldn't hold back my squeals over the phone when told me.

Entering through doors into a big waiting room I instantly saw my two friends Joy and Hope and ran over to give them a huge hug.

"Hey girls!"

"Hey!" They said hugging back, I sat in the chair next to them and we talked about the movie and helped each other with their lines.

We rehearsed our lines and after a while a woman comes out of these doors holding a clipboard, "Is there someone named Jisoo Lee here?!" She called and I hopped up, "Here!" She motions me for me to enter the room.

I skipped into the room and stopped in front of four people who were sitting behind a table staring at me making me smile and wave at them.

"Hello, my name is Jisoo Lee and I'm here to audition for the role of Darcy, Delilah's best friend." I said with confidence keeping eye contact with each and every one of them.

The blonde girl whispered to the boy next to her, "I think I'm gonna like this one." A grin forms on my lips, Victor clears his throat, "Thank you, Jisoo for introducing yourself, I'm the director, these two are the main leads and this here is my assistant director. You may start."

Oooh! this is so exciting!!! It's actually happening. Me being an actress, who would of thought? Maybe this will be my career job in the future.

"Here goes nothing." I whispered to myself and looked at the script in my hands. Smiling I laid in on the floor taking them off guard. Walking back in the center, "I'm ready!" I beamed. The blonde snapped out of it and read Delilah lines.

"Darcy?" The blonde starts fake crying because the character Delilah is sad and lonely and decides to call her best friend.

"What's up, De- wait are you crying?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just need someone to talk to." 

"I'm all ears."

"My parents are at the hospital again with Courtney. Darcy, I know my sister needs their attention more than I do but I can't help but feel so lonely at the moment."

Darcy stays silent for a while.

"Dee, I know you're dealing a lot with your emotions and their all over the place. And I am gonna come over with some snacks so we can have a movie night, but I really think you should be talking to God instead of us having this conversation on the phone right now. Jesus is the only one who can truly help you and heal that loneliness you're feeling." 

Delilah ends up feeling guilty for not going to God first before talking to her best friend.

"You're right. I should have gone to God instead of calling you first. Thank you, Darce." Darcy laughs, "Well, you should be thanking God because if you didn't call me to remind you of that then you'll probably be wallowing in your sadness right about now." Delilah also laughs knowing she's right, this is all God's doing.

"Okay, well I'll be at your house in an hour, bye."

"Text me when you're here, bye." She ends the call.

"And Scene!" Victor shouts.

The girl who did the lines with me jumps up and ran to give me a hug, "That was amazing!" She said letting me go, "You remembered your lines, not even needing to look at the script. Oh, by the way my name's Lidia and that boy is Andrew."

Andrew smiled and nods.

"Thank you, I practiced a lot for this day."

Victor stands and walks up to me patting me on the back, "You did great kid. A natural, maybe you'll be able to act in any other movies that I will end up making?"

I frowned, "Uh, what?"

"You got the role!" He grinned and I jumped up and down like a kid in a candy store, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" My tears start to tear up and I hugged him then skipped out the room all giddy.



Victor sits back in his seat and picks up the stack of papers looking through them. Andrew glances at his boss, "So, how do you know that Jisoo girl?" He carefully asks, Victor lets out a chuckle and smirks at him, "She's my son's future wife." He joked but they could not tell if he was or not

Lidia spits out her water snapping her head to him in shock, "Huh!?" 

Andrew also has a shocked face, "Quinton's future wife, you say?"

Victor laughed, "Naw, but she isn't shy to her interest in him and that boy, he thinks he's good at hiding things, but my wife and I can read right through him."

Andrew raised his eyebrows, "Quinton has a crush on Jisoo?"

Lidia awed, "That's so cute!" She squealed.

"He sure does." Victor smiled, then he becomes serious, "But he's not allowed to date until he turns eighteen years old."

Andrew and Lidia laughed, "Okay, who's next?" Andrew asks, Victor looks at his papers, "Patricia, can you please call in Hope Mayweather."

Patricia nods and walks to the doors, "Hope Mayweather, you may come in!"










I Hope your day is doing well wherever you are 😊

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