19: New Home

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I Don't Know If This Is How It Goes with a Social Worker and Being Adopted.



When I finished packing my stuff and returned downstairs Asher was signing the adoption papers. So, I'm officially adopted, Clementine Evans you are now Clementine Human. Don't worry Asher asked me if I wanted to keep my old last name or change it to his and I thought if going to be adopted it's best have the same last name as them.

Was how I felt, and it made things feel a little better.

Aunt Stacy and I hugged before Asher and I left the house, my old home. It was emotional but I have a good feeling about this change, and I don't always like change, but I guess I have to get used to it.

Anyways I'm in the back seat of Asher's car and he put on some music. I hum along to the song while looking out the window.

"You, okay?" Asher asked.

I just shrugged and kept staring out the window. He sighed.

"I have a dog." He said making my ears perk up and turned my head in his direction, "A dog?"

He nodded, "Yeah, her names Sandy, she's a big girl and loves meeting new people." He said looking in the rearview mirror. "I always wanted a dog, but Aunt Stacy's has small of dogs ever since she was bite by one when she was younger." I smiled.

"What breed?"

"A golden retriever, she's two years old."

"Cool!" I'm excited to meet Sandy, Asher chuckled. "I'm glad." We pulled into a driveway, "Wow." I mumbled, is this house? It's bigger than the one I'm used to almost similar to Jessica's house. He told me to get out of the car and I listened grabbing my backpack and he went to get two duffle bags out of the back seat.

I don't have much, but that's okay all I want is a loving family and I'll be happy. I guess you could count as the stuff at Jessica's house that she bought me, but I've never asked her to buy that stuff I'm grateful that she was kind enough to do so... I don't need a lot to be happy.

Asher unlocked the front door. I hear a bark from the other side I'm assuming that's Sandy. The curiosity in me made me giggle. Asher looked down at me, "I should probably let you know that she's a jumper." He warned and I nodded and waited in anticipation. 

Asher looked unsure, "Maybe I should go in before you?"

"No, I can handle it." I smiled.

"She's heavy."

I shook my head, "Please, open the door I want to meet Sandy." The barking got louder.

He gave me an unsure look, but I nodded, he slowly opened the door before anyone could do anything a golden retriever jumped out knocking me down. Asher dropped the bags and tried getting Sandy off me, "Come on, Sandy. This is not how we treat guest." He said as Sandy licked my face making me giggle.

He successfully got her off of me and I sat up, "I think you mean new roommate!"

He laughed as he put Sandy back in the house and picked up the bags that he dropped. "Yeah, follow me I'll show you what room you'll be staying in." He said walking in the house, I looked around and back at him, "Um? Never mind I can get myself up." Lifting myself up from the ground I ran after him, after shutting and locking the front door first of course.

Following him up the stairs he walks to a room and leads me inside. "This will be your bedroom from this day on." He grinned and put my duffle bags down.

I internally gasp at how big and beautiful this room is, the bed is, a queens bed size I think just like the bed I slept in at Jessica's house. I was too busy observing the room that I didn't notice Asher staring at me, "Any thoughts?"

"Beautiful." I muttered in amazement.

"Okay, I'll leave you to unpack and if you need anything my room is across from yours." 

Turning to him I smiled and nodded, "Thank you." He nods and walks out the room. I found the closet when I opened it my first reaction was, "Whoa!" Or at least that's how I feel because I can store more clothes in here the clothes, I have will not fill this closet.

"Okay, enough being shocked I need to put my things away." And with that I did just that and if you're wondering I had two duffle bags because one had my clothes mostly and the other was holding a bunch of books with a few other things.

When I was done putting everything away, I grabbed my baby doll and climbed on the bed. In front of me on the dresser is a big screen tv. This is a whole new experience for me it might sound silly, but I've never had a tv in my room before, not even Stacy had a tv in her room the only tv was in the living room and I barely watched it.

Was never really interested in watching too much tv. I spend most of my time in my bedroom coloring or reading the books that Aunt Stacy wanted me to read for school. Those are the books that I brought with me they were fun to read.

Asher walked in smiling, "Look what I found in the car." He said holding up my baseball bat.

"Oh right! I thought I forgot something." I said tilting my head, I did have a small feeling that I was forgetting something but couldn't remember what.

"Thank you." He handed my baseball bat to me, "We can go shopping for things for your room and some extra clothes." He said looking in the closet seeing the few clothes I have. "Thanks, but I'm fine with the few clothes I have, I don't need anymore." He smiled at me and patted my head.

"I want to and maybe my sister can join us." My lit up and I nodded my head, "Okay! Thank you."

Asher smiled, "I'll be in my room make yourself at home." He closed the door behind him.

Things are changing and I feel like things are changing for the better. When I didn't know what else to do, I just played with my baby doll for the next few hours.













God bless you :)

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