15: Can We Play Ball?

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I'm sitting at the table doing my homework, I don't go to school like other kids Aunt Stacy start it would be best if I'm homeschooled. Aunt Stacy is actually my teacher, she quit her job and decided to stay home and helped me with school.

I told her I wanted to go to an actual school, but she shut me down and said no.

I asked why but she didn't give me an answer.

That was when I was seven years old and really wanted to make friends with other kids my age.

I'm used to being alone, it's always been my aunt and me after my parents were gone so when she said no, I didn't ask again I didn't want to get in trouble.

When I finished my homework, I relaxed on the couch and turned on the tv. Stacy walked down the stairs and sees me sitting on the couch, "You finished your homework?" 

"Yes, it's on the table." I said and turned back to the tv.

She nodded and entered the kitchen.

After an hour, I turned the tv off and went my room to get my baseball and baseball bat. I ran in the kitchen to see Stacy sitting at the table and checking over my work. "Aunt Stacy, can we play ball?"

"We don't have enough room outside to play, Darling." She said the paper down and sighed looking me straight in my eyes, "I keep telling you this, why do you keep asking?" She looks annoyed.

Sighing, I nodded she's right we don't have enough room in the front or backyard. I just really wanted to play baseball and she won't take me to a field. "Okay, I'll just be out back." I said and exited out the back door.

Throwing my bat on the ground I stood on the grass and looked up at the sky. It's a nice sunny day I sat on the ground and threw my baseball back and forth in my hands.


After taking a bubble bath I brushed my teeth then head to my bedroom to go to bed. I let out a big yawn, "I wonder if tomorrow will be more interesting?" Closing my eyes I drifted asleep.












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