9: Engagement Ring

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OCTOBER Friday 16/2015



It is my day off, walking into the jewelry store my eyes gaze around the shop. I walked to where they have the rings displayed and tried to find the right one for Kelly. A lady walks up to me she is wearing a name tag telling me she works here.

"Is there something I can help you with sir?"

"Yes, actually I'm looking an engagement ring." I told the lady, and she gave me a toothy smile, "Aww! How cute." She gushed but still remained professional.

"I'll help you look for the perfect one for your wife to be."

"I'll appreciate that, thanks." She showed me a bunch, different kind of rings and they were all beautiful, but nothing stood out to me, "Well, what do you think about this one then?" She picks out a golden ring with a small red heart in the middle.

I gasped at how beautiful it is and how it would be perfect for Kelly.

"What do you think?" She smirked.

"I'll take it."

"Great! I'll just need her ring size." She said and I her mine and Kelly's ring sizes.

"Thank you." She said.

"No, thank you." I replied beginning to walk away, "I hope everything works out for you!" I heard her shout causing me to chuckle.

I turned and waved to her then walked out the store, "I hope so too." I whispered but knew in my heart that everything will be just fine.

Looking down at the pure white box in my hand and I couldn't help myself I had to do a little dance to the car. 

Now all that's left is timing, God's timing.



I'm sitting at the table doing my homework while Asher is reading a book with his reading glasses on. Glancing up at the man who is now my adopted father, and tapping my pencil on the paper I wondered in my mind, "Should I? I don't know?"

"Everything good?" Asher asked turning to the next page in his book.

He glances up at me when I didn't reply.


I snapped out of my thoughts, "Huh?" He looks at me with concern, "You're tapping your pencil on your homework paper instead of writing something down with it and you're staring in the distance. Are you okay?"

Nodding, I said, "Yes I'm okay, I'm just thinking?"

"Do you need help on a problem?" He asks, I smiled and shook my head, "No. Thank you." I said and continued to do my homework. Asher nods and went back to what he was reading.

As I try to solve a math problem, I realize that I do need help.

"Dad, can you help me with this math problem, please?"

"Sure." He says putting his book down as he did so his eyes widen in realization and he slowly turns his head in my direction, "What did you just say?"

My face flushed, "Was it too soon or-"

"Did you just call me d-dad?" He asked, and I nodded, "I-if it's too soon then I'm sorry, I know we haven't known each other that long but I thought I'll try calling y-" I was cut off by him running over to my side and picking me up in a hug.

"I'm so happy to hear that." He said in the hug.

"I love you, dad." I said hugging him back and smiled into his shoulder. He put me down on my feet, "I love you too kiddo." He ruffled my hair causing me to squeal, "Hey, Stop!"

He laughed and sighed, "Tell me what problem it is you need help on."

 I sat back down in the chair, "This one." He helped me with my homework and once I was done, we watched movies together in the living room with Sandy laying on her bed chewing on her favorite chew toy.

Later I cooked dinner with him, and I told him about my day at school.

"We played a game in PE and Hanna, Esther and I were all on the same."

"What game?" Dad asked before taking a spoon full of mac and cheese and put it in his mouth. "It was some kind of game where you have to tag the team and if you get tagged, you're out." I told taking a bite of my chicken.

"I'm happy to know you're doing good in school." He smiled and I nodded, "Yeah, fourth grade isn't as hard as I thought it would be. My classmates are nice and Aunt Jessie being my teacher is AMAZING." I said lifting my hands in the air making him laugh.

"Yeah, Jessica, has always been good with kids."


After picking out my clothes for tomorrow I prayed and then got into bed. Dad opened the door to my bedroom, "You good?" I nodded.

"Goodnight." He turned the light off, "Night." I said and he closed the door. I reached over to my bedside table and switched my lamp light off and rested my head on the pillow waiting for sleep to overtake me.

My eyes slowly closed.










John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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