6: New Student

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The bus driver, Mr. Willis pulled in the school and parked next to another bus. He opened doors and everyone swarmed off the bus. I looked around for Jisoo she got off before me and Hope and Joy walked off to the gym to meet with the other cheerleaders. 

Finally, I see the back of her she's talking to the new guy by the entrance of the school doors. Pouting, I watched as they walked inside together, sighing my eyes wondered to a group of teens sitting on the grass. They seem to happily be chatting away about something, in the middle of said group is nonother than Peter, one of my other 'friends' he noticed me staring. 

Embarrassed I shyly waved to him and smiled waving me over to them. Peter is a year older than the rest of my friend group since he's sixteen and same goes his other friends being sixteen or older. I sheepishly walked their way I can how annoyed his friends became with my sudden presence which consist of two girls and two guys.

Peter smiled and returned it, "Hey Willow, how are you doing?" 

"I'm doing good a little tired, but I'll be okay." I said happy that cares, when the group is around, he usually talks to the boys and don't really talk to us girls that much. Maybe this year will be different from last year?

He nods, "I'm sorry, what happened." I'm guessing he doesn't want to out my situation and I'm not surprise that he knows since James tells him almost everything that's going on. Everyone texted me yesterday except for him so James must have told him what happened. Oh? never mind I just remembered that Jisoo said she'll let the others know when I was at the hospital and about mom.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"What happened?" Heather asked even though it was obvious she didn't care.

"None of your business." Peter said causing the boys and me to chuckle. Heather if I remembered correctly is seventeen along with Raven the blonde girl beside her, Heather is a red head like me, but her hair is a bit darker. Heather glared at me which caused me to abruptly stop and shrink under her glare.

Turning to Peter, "Well, I'll should be heading to class, see you later Pete."

"Yeah, later." He said and I went to head in the school building. When I walked inside, I didn't go to my locker like other students would have, everything I need is in my school bag. Walking in my homeroom I said hi to the homeroom teacher and then sat at my desk.


I watched as Willow walked to the doors of the school building and entered. My friends went back to chatting. "Did you see how shy and nervous she looked?" I heard Heather annoying voice, Raven nodded but didn't say anything. "She's so weird." 

My Blood was boiling how can she talk about my friend like that? In front of me! I mean I know I haven't talked to Willow and the other girls all that much, but this year is going to be different and deeply care for all of my new friends I made last year.

I can tell what she said kind of ruined everyone's mood and we just stared at her. 

I'm guessing she can feel the awkwardness because she looked up from staring down at her nails, "What?"

I gave her a hard glare, "Seriously?" She looked at me shocked and I saw a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Don't give me that look, Heather. You need to change that nasty attitude of yours." I said before standing up and storming off inside the school. Heather is such a spoiled brat, I'm used to it because of how long we've known each other, and her family are more on the wealthy side and gave her whatever she wanted but you'd think she would learn to be nicer and grateful.

I quickly head to my locker than I went to homeroom before the bell rings.


I'm currently in my English class which is the first class of my day. The beginning of the school years always seems to drag, and again it is September. Lightly tapping my pencil I stared up at the clock, "1, 2, 3." The bell rings and that's when everyone gets up from their seats and head to their next class.

Being one of the last ones to leave I said bye to my teacher, "Bye, Mrs. Sprout."

"Bye, honey." She said cleaning the bored.

What's next? Oh, right social studies, my favorite class! I LOVE history. Skipping down the hall I see Jisoo standing by the lockers. I smiled and was about to say something, but I saw she wasn't alone. Nope, she was not alone I see the new guy keeping her company or is she keeping him company. 

I want to get closer, but I don't want to bother them. Thinking deeply on this matter I didn't hear someone coming up from behind me. "You're gonna be late." I jumped looking to see it was Kai. "Kai, why sneak up behind me, what are you? A spy?" I interrogated squinted my eyes at him.

He stared at me with a straight face, "No. Come on before we're late." He said grabbing my hand and pulling along to our history class. Jisoo didn't notice us walking pass her and the mystery boy, so I called out, "Jisoo, we have history class!" She spins to look at me seeing Kai pulling me down the hall. 

"I'll be there!" She smiled and turned back to the boy.

Kai and I entered the classroom and to my surprise everyone was already here except for Jisoo of course. Kai let go and walked to his chair next to James and sat down, I went to my own chair which in front of Kai and James table and took out what I needed. The bell rings for the second time warning everyone to hurry to their next period. 

Jisoo rushed in the room with the new boy standing beside her awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Crawford." She apologized for almost being late. "That's alright, Jisoo. Now who do we have here, a transfer student?" Mrs. Crawford asked looking at the new boy.

I wonder if I'll learn his name, so I don't have to keep calling him 'new boy.'

"Yes." He said in almost a whisper, must be shy.

Jisoo skipped over to her chair that's next to mine and immediately.

"Well. do you want to introduce yourself to the class?"

He mumbled something under his breath and nodded turning to the class. "My names Quinton Brown, I used to be homeschooled and it's nice to meet you... all." Mrs. Crawford smiled, "Great, it's nice to have you in this class Quinton. Let's see you can sit in the chair next to Peter, Peter, will you please raise your hand."

Peter had his head rested on the table but raised his hand anyway. Quinton walked past Jisoo and sat down without making eye contact with anyone.

"Okay, everyone open up your books to page 74." Mrs. Crawford said walking to Peter and tapping the table with her hand. Peter lifted up his head and takes out his history book. Quinton raised his hand, "Yes, Quinton?"

"I don't have a book." 

"Right, I'll get one for you next class for today you can share with your partner." She said pointing to Peter who nodded without complaining. I grinned Peter acts all tough and like he doesn't care but I know he secretly does care, similar to Kai. They're both nice people if you see pass how they act, sometimes.

Things are changing and I believe there changing for the better.

God is doing something amazing, I smiled and went to paying attention to what the teacher is saying.












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I Hope you have a Blessed Day or Night :)

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