4: Unconscious

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The surgery is finished we did a heart transplant it wasn't easy, but I thank God that we had a working heart to do the transplant nice a quickly before she loses any more blood. When I entered the emergency room, they told me she passed out on the way here and during that time from there to here her heart stopped.

The paramedics gave her CPR, but it wasn't working and thankfully they arrived at the hospital before it was too late.

I walked out of the operating room I looked to the side and saw that the girl is in the same spot. I smiled it was cute how her head leaned to the side as she napped. My eyes stared up at the clock on the wall, 10:03 a.m. makes sense she has been sitting here for probably four or five hours.

*Groan* My attention got brought back to the girl, her eyes met with mine she let out gasp. Sitting up her straight she stared at me her eyes showed feared, "Is-is that-" She pointed down at my bloody hands. I looked down at my gloves at how bloody they are, glancing up at her I nodded.

Tears welled up in her eyes and quickly said something.

"Your mother will be fine, we gave her a heart transplant." I smiled gently hoping this news gives her comfort. It seemed to because the tears quickly stopped, and her frown is replaced with a smile.

"Thank you, doctor-"

"Dr. Hernandez." I said and I saw a spark in her eyes I don't know why though.

"Thank you for saving my mother." 

I shook my head, "Don't thank me miss, thank God. It was because of him that my fellow surgeons and I were able to help Mrs. Sandler."

She nods, "Nurse Grey told me that you are one of the best doctors here." She said in a soft voice.

I laughed, "I wouldn't say I'm the best but that's a nice compliment. I'll make sure to thank her next time we talk."

The teen frowned and tilts her head in confusion, "Oh, um... I don't mean to meddle or be nosy but is she your girlfriend or wife?" I chuckled at her curiosity, she looks like to be fourteen or fifteen, but her personality is similar to a little kid.

I shook my head, "No, just good friends." She let out a sigh like she was holding her breathe.

"Well, nice talking to you I should now get clean myself up."

She looked at the time and gasped, "Oh, I'm sorry for holding you up."

"No worries, take care of yourself." I told her before walking down the hall to get rid of these rags I'm wearing. I looked over my shoulder at the ginger hair girl to see her swinging her feet back and forth in the chair. I have a feeling that this won't be the last time I see the Sandler girls.





I'm staring down at my mother's body lying in the hospital bed. They told me that she will be unconscious for a while, and they don't know when she'll wake up. I should have known something was wrong, she kept complaining about her chest and rubbing the spot where her heart is.

I watched as her chest moved up and down slowly, my mind flashed back at the time in the ambulance on the here when her heart stopped. That had to be the scariest moment in my life even CPR didn't work. I prayed the whole ride here like before I didn't know what to do or why this was happening.

First, I come down with a weird feverish sickness then the next day it's gone. Now my mother is laying here in the hospital in a coma. Everything seems to be happening at once.

I jumped when I felt someone hug me from the back. "Willow, I'm so sorry." Jisoo cried in my shoulder. It brightened my mood a little that my best friend is here with me. "It's okay, I believe she'll wake up soon." I said and Jisoo let go of me as she frowned at the sight of the woman that she looks to as a second mother.

Jisoo went to the other side of the bed and sat in a chair, she takes my mom's hand in hers, "Aunt Kelly, please wake up I miss you already even though I saw you like two days ago. You also make the best brownies." She said dramatically. Mrs. Lee and I laughed at her goofiness, Jisoo's father died before she was even born, so just like me she too has single mother.

Mrs. Lee softly smiled at me, "Willow, you'll be staying with us until your mother wake up."

"Thank you, Aunt Lee but I can stay home alone." I said politely.

The older woman raised an eyebrow, "I don't think Kelly will be okay with me letting her fifteen-year-old stay home for who knows how long?"

I looked down and shrugged, "We don't know when she'll wake up."

"That's what I thought. I'll let you have a little more time in here and then we'll go to your house to pack somethings before going our house." She said in a perfectional voice and walked out the room to make a phone call, probably to one of her clients or Jessie, Jisoo's big brother.

I sighed, Jisoo stood up and came to my side putting both arms around, "Come on Lo, it will be like sleepover! We haven't had one of those in a while." She squealed in my ear.

She's right, we haven't had a proper sleepover in a year or two. We need to get back on that and we have to include Hope and Joy our other two female friends. Hope and Joy are on the cheerleading team at our school, though they're the cheerleaders Jisoo is the cheeriest out of our friend group me coming to a close second, surprisingly since I can be pretty timid and shy at times unless I feel comfortable enough with someone or if I feel like God wants me to do or say something to someone.

If you ask me who the quietest out of the group is, I'll tell you Kai Smith. Kai is half Chinese and half Caucasian, He's kind of a nerd or at least that's what James says his best friend because he almost always has his head in a book.

James is a football guy, he's actually on the football team at school. James's the funny guy in the group loves cracking jokes even if we don't find them funny. If favorite thing to do is to annoy us and when I say us, I mainly mean Kai and I, but also does that to the rest too not as much though.

The sixth member of our group is Joseph, He's cool. He joined the group last year I think he's on the football team with James. He mostly hangs out with the guys more than us girls but I'm fine with that. It does make me kind of sad when I try to make conversation with him, and he gives me short answers then goes back to talking with James and Kai.

"You're right, we should call Holly and Joy about coming over." I tried to act happy but in the back of my mind was still worried about my unconscious mother. Jisoo holds up her phone with a big cheesy grin, "I already did when mom was driving us over here." 

Standing up I walked closer to my mother bending down I kissed her forehead. "Mama, I love you and hope you wake up soon." One time I was searching the internet and found out that people in a coma can hear you talking to them.

"I'll be staying with Jisoo, but I'll come and visit you." I whispered and turned to face Jisoo who is staring at me with a sad smile. Picking up my school bag I solemnly walked to the door fighting the feeling to look back. 

Jisoo put her hand on my shoulder and softly said, "She'll wake up, have faith Low."

I glanced at her from the corner of my eye and nodded, tears threatened my eyes I wiped the away. Man, I'm very emotional today. We left the room and went to look for Aunt Lee so we can leave.












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