7: Do your Job!

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"So, what's for lunch again?" I heard James shout from behind Jisoo and me. The group and I are making our way to the lunchroom. "I believe it's hamburgers my football friend." Jisoo said as she skipped farther ahead of us.

"Hmm." James hummed.

Hope was too busy looking down at her book that she accidently bumped into Kai. "Oop, sorry Kai." She said holding on to her nose. Kai glanced back at the short cheerleader and nodded his head before facing forward and walking on ahead following behind Jisoo.

I lightly sighed staring at the back of his head, James trotted beside me and leaned down whispering, "Looks like someone still has a crush." I glanced up at him I can feel my cheeks heat up and I speed walked to the lunchroom.

I could hear James burst out in laughter. Jisoo and I stepped in the lunch line to get our food after we got our food we walked to the usual spot where we sit and eat. Picking up my cheeseburger and took a nice bite out of it. After a while everyone is sitting down and the girls on one side and the boys on the other side.

"Quinton! Over here!" I looked up to see Jisoo waving Quinton over. The curly hair boy stiffly walked over to us and sat next to Peter who is sitting across from me. He opens his school bag takes out a lunch bag. "So, Quinton." James starts. "How old are you?"

Quinton turns to him he was sitting on the other side of Peter, "Sixteen." Was all I turned Jisoo who was just staring at him with her big doe eyes. "Ah, cool. Peter's also sixteen while the rest of us are fifteen." He said hitting Peter's arm a little.

"Speaking of ages, Peter, don't you usually sit with your other older friends today?" We all looked at him curiously wondering why he's with us today and not with them. Peter has been going back and forth with who he has lunch with.

Peter rolled his eyes and shrugged, "I don't feel like sitting with them right now." He said as he took a bite of a carrot. I wonder if anything happened after I left him this morning, he seemed happy, and they were having a great time.

Was it my fault? Did I ruin their fun? Because why did he sound annoyed when talked about them? Leaning in I whispered, "Was it my fault?" 

He smiled at me and shook his head, "Don't worry about it, Low."

I leaned back looking down at my tray, "Well that didn't help me worry any less." I murmured.

Wait... did he just called me Low? I glanced up at him seeing him talking to Quinton, He's never used my nickname before. I shook the thought off and continued to eat my food.

I'm in my last class of the day which is PE. This is one of Jisoo's favorites, mine not so much but at least I have two friends in her Jisoo and now Quinton who I do consider a friend even I haven't talking to him yet.

Jisoo poked me on my cheek making me turn to her, "Stop." I said swatting her hand away, she giggled, "Jessie said he's going to give us a ride to the hospital and then home." I nodded and went back to playing volleyball with the other girls.

Jessie is Jisoo's big brother, he's two years older than her and has his driver license, reason one of why he didn't take the bus with us earlier this morning. 

Hitting the volleyball back over the net I decided to take a break and hope I don't get in trouble. Sitting on the floor by the bleachers I did some stretches until the class was finished.

A smile creeped onto my face when I looked to see Jisoo still trying to talk to Quinton. 

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