Introduction One: When We First Met

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1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Asher Hernandez

"This might sound crazy but when I first laid eyes on you laying in that hospital bed unconscious. The first thing came to mind was "Where did this princess come from?" 

"Shut up!" She laughed.

"I'm serious!" 

"Me? A princess?" She shook her head. "Ash, I'm no princess." She said crossing her arms.

"And that's where you're wrong my dear Kelly. You are a princess, and do you want to know how I know?"

"And how do you know?"

I leaned in a little, "I know because you are a daughter of the Most High God."

Kelly Sandler

"So, you're a cardiologist?"


I nodded, "And you gave me my new heart?" That might've been a stupid question to ask, but oh well it came out. 

He smirked and looked up from his notepad, "I and my other fellow surgeons replaced your old heart with a new heart but, I think we all can thank God for it being a success."

I smiled diverting my eyes downward, 'He's a man of God?' 

"What is it Mrs. Sandler? You look to be thinking deeply about something." 

I shook my head and smiled widely up at him, "No, it's just, are you Christian?"

He nodded and gave me a handsome smile, "Yes, I'm strong in my faith and I say prayer everyday before going off to work."

"Awesome! I can tell you are a true man of God."

"Really, how?" He tilts his head.

"I haven't known you for long, but from how you speak it sounds like you really love God and trust in him." I tried to explain.

He stared at me with a straight making me a little nervous. He finally spoke, "Mrs. Sandler, I can tell you have a beautiful heart." He gave me a huge grin.

Willow Sandler

I gasped, "This place is so beautiful!" I squealed earning stares from people in the restaurant.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said avoiding the stares of the people.

A blush appeared on my cheeks, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He chuckled and patted my head causing me pout. The host guided us to our seats, and we sat down him on one side and I on the other.

I picked up the menu and searched what I wanted, I can feel eyes on me, but I tried to ignore them and keep my eyes on the menu.

"Willow?" He starts.

"Hmm?" I hummed not looking up.

"I've been keeping this in for a long time and it might sound cheesy." He said diverting his eyes downward at the table.

Putting the menu down I looked at him with worried and curious eyes, "What is it." 

Sighing he puts his menu on the table looked me in the eyes, "The day I first saw you I didn't know how to talk to you." I listened intently not even thinking of interrupting him also a part of my brain was trying to comprehend what he is trying to say.

"We didn't really talk to each other and that's partly my fault." He sheepishly and I internally awed at his cuteness. "I-I was never really good at talking to girls and when I was younger, I always ended up making a fool of myself, so I just stopped." He paused.

"You just decided to stop talking to girls?" I asked earning a nod.

"I didn't want to keep making a fool of myself, so I just stopped talking to them, except with my mom of course." He said and I giggled.

"So-" I started but was quickly cut off.

"I think I love you."

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