22: Coloring Book

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Asher dropped me off at Jessica's house, "I'll pick you up later."

"Okay." I waved him bye and walked up the front door and knocked. Jessica opened up and smiled down at me, "Nice seeing you, Clementine." She let me in, "Thank you for having me over." 

"Always, how is my brother treating you?"

"He's very nice and he has a crush on this woman!" She widened her eyes, "I know, he's going on his first day in years." Jessica smiled and went to open the fridge.

"Really?" I tilt my head, a guy like him you'll think it wouldn't be a problem for someone like him to find someone but it's the heart that matters.

And only God knows the heart, so Asher probably waited until God brought the right one into his life.

"What are you smiling about?" Jessica asked as she poured us a cup of tea.

"Jessie, do you have anyone special in your life?" I asked her grinning.

She dodged my question, "So, are you excited about your first day of school?" She passed the cup to me, and I take a sip, "I don't know."

She gasped, "You don't know? But you'll be in my class!" She said throwing her hands up in the air dramatically making me giggle.

"That's the only good thing about this." I grinned.

Jessica grinned, "You'll make friends, Clem."

Shrugging my shoulders I sipped some of my tea. I jumped off the stool, "I'll be in the playroom!" Running to the playroom I grabbed a coloring book and started coloring. For about an hour I colored the picture of the garden.

As I colored the flowers, I thought about how the garden of Eden might have looked. The garden was beautiful and peaceful, and the best part is that you were even closer to God.

When I'm done, I went to watch a movie that Jessica wanted us to watch together, and it was pretty funny I have to say.

We spend the rest of the time laughing and talking about the movie, next thing you know Asher was there to pick me up and I said bye to Jessica and went home with Asher. I asked him about his date and to my disappointment he gave no details.

But I think it went well because he has big smile on his face.

"That smile on your face tells me everything I need to know." I said, and he chuckled.









Sorry it's short.

God bless you :)

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