Characters Part 1

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The Sandler Girls 👩‍👧

Age (38) Kelly 🌹

Kelly is a businesswoman; she owns a Christian fashion design company. Kelly's a nice person and has been a single mother for a few years. She strongly believes in God and trusts him with everything that goes on in her life whether good or bad. Ever since she gave her life to Jesus, everything has changed for the better, of course she experiences spiritual warfare but that shows she's on the right path.

Personality: A kind woman with a sense humor, she cares deeply for people whether she knows them or not, has a loving and loyal heart.

Ethnicity: Caucasian, long wavy ginger hair, dark green eyes

Age (15) Willow 🌼🤍

Willow is a sweet and loving kind girl, she loves God with her whole heart and tries to pay attention to what's going on around her. Willow wants her mother and friends, and everyone to be happy. She loves nature, animals, and anything that's beautiful and that God has created. The fifteen-year-old gave her life to Jesus at the age of ten, she tries to see things on the bright side even before she was saved.

Personality: A nice, caring and loving girl who has a kind heart. She has a big imagination and tries to show everyone love. She can sometimes be quiet but once you get to know her you realize how energetic she can be. 

Ethnicity: Caucasian, long straight ginger hair, brown eyes

The Hernandez Family

Age (40) Asher Hernandez 👨🏻‍⚕️

Asher is a doctor, not just any doctor though, he is a cardiologist. This man loves his job ever since he was a kid he wanted to be something that helps people. And he comes from a Christian household and is a family man. Asher is single and always wanted a family, but he hasn't met the right woman, yet.

Personality: He's a friendly guy who owns a golden retriever. Speaking of golden retriever he a big dog lover. Asher loves meeting new people and trying to help others if he's able to. 

Ethnicity: Mexican, wavy jet-black hair, beard, nice thick arch eyebrows, dark brown eyes

Age (32) Jessica Hernandez 😍🌷

Jessica is Asher's sister and is a peppy person that loves making people feel better. She is a hugger and might give you a big one when she first meets you so if you're not a hugger then make sure to let her know. Jessica actually holds a bible club on Sundays and anyone who wants to go are welcomed.

Personality: Almost always happy and is good with kids ranging from all ages. Just like her brother she loves dogs but prefers smaller dogs. If you are getting bullied or miss treated Jessica will not hesitate to stick up for you. 

Ethnicity: Mexican, long wavy dark brown hair, nice arch eyebrows, dark brown eyes

Age (9) Clementine Maria Sanchez Hernandez ⚾

Clementine is a good child that wouldn't want to hurt a fly. She loves baseball and is very well behaved. Her parents died in a housefire when she was two years old and is now living with her aunt on her dad's side but how long will her aunt be able to take care of her?

Personality: Baseball is the only sport she's interested in and she's really friendly and loving. She's a smart kid and enjoys being outside more than inside. Clementine is a very kind and generous person.

Ethnicity: African American-Puerto Rican, Long Brown Curly Hair, Honey Brown Eyes










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