18: I Love You

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"She's gone!" I screamed into the phone. My mind is going crazy why would she leave, and she tried to sneak out without me knowing! Why?

"I know Stacy, you told me!" Jessica yelled at me on the end of the phone, "Did you call the cops!" Jessica's frantic voice is making my nerves spiral out of control. What did I do for this to be happening!!!

"Uh Duh! Jessica! Yeah, I called the cops, they told me they'll be on the lookout around the neighborhood, and someone will be coming to talk to me." I cried.

Jessica sighed, "Stacy, you should have chased after her, why didn't you chase after her? She's nine years old for crying out loud!" 

I looked down ashamed of myself, why didn't I go and chase after? She's only a little girl and know I don't know where she is or if she's okay.

"I don't know." Is all I said and sat down on the couch, "I'll call you, later." 

"W-" Jessica tried to say something but I ended the call before she could get a word out. I threw my phone on the other end of the couch and rubbed my face with both my hands in a tired manner. 'Why can't give her a better life?'  For the first time in years, I prayed, "God, please forgive me, I should have done better with taking care of her, I pray for her to be safe out there wherever she is, and I pray that she will have a good life growing up." 

I started repenting and got on my knees giving my life to the Lord, "In Jesus Name, I pray amen." Getting up I heard a knock at the door.

Walking to the front door I opened it, "Hello, thank you for coming over."


I found this random kid on the street with her stuff and inhaler, so I knew she's not on a nighttime stroll. And she was alone by herself no guardian by her side or near her. 

I don't know her name, but she does looks familiar.

This is weird though I've never met this girl before. I took her the police station and that's where we are currently at right now. I'm sitting beside her in a chair staring at the man in front of us, "What's your name?"


"Clementine what?"

I looked at the little girl who I now know is named Clementine eyes are glanced down at her legs. "Evans." She looked up at him and then nervously glanced my way and I gave her a comforting smile.

"Okay Clementine, why did you run away from home?" She doesn't give him an answer, I put a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up at me with her big honey brown eyes, "It's okay." I said nodding my head to reassure her and I think it works because she started talking.

"I- I heard my aunt talking on the phone." The man and I looked at her curiously and he asked, "What was she talking about on the phone and who was she talking too?"

"I don't know who she was talking to, but it sounded like she didn't want me anymore." She said and tears formed in her eyes.

I frowned, the man kept asking her questions and she either nodded or shook her head. 


"Clementine!" We all turned around to see a woman in her thirties running into the police station when her eyes landed on Clementine, and she ran over to us and hugged her tightly. I watched the aunt and niece reunite with each other and it made me smile.

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