11: Peaceful Gardens

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I was relaxing on the couch reading a book until my phone dings. Looking at it I saw that Adrian sent me a text, I picked it up and looked at what he said.

Adrian: I'm picking you up around 8 p.m. 😉

Me: Uh, what? 😃


Adrian: I'm taking you out to dinner tonight 😀❤

My eyes widened.

Me: This is a sudden surprise, and you sound more confident than usual 😮


Adrian: I prayed about it and learned that I can't keep these feelings in anymore.

Me: 😄😅

"What?" I thought looking up from my phone smiling just like those emojis.

I saw that he is typing again.

Adrian: Yeah, so I'll be picking u up and also wear something nice but casual.

I put my phone down on the coffee table and let out a loud squeal. I don't understand what's happening but having a feeling it's something good.

Adrian doesn't usually make plans like this without talking to the person first to ask them. So, this must be serious in a good, amazing, fantastic way! It's just 1:30 p.m. meaning I have plenty of time before he comes to pick me up.

Turning on some music I started to dance around the living room all excited. 

This might be hard to believe but I've been dancing for three hours and I'm tired. I glanced up at the clock and saw that it was 4:29. I turned off the music and ran to my room to get ready, which I should have done in the first place instead of wasting my time dancing.

That was silly of me to do, who knows he could have turned up at my house earlier than expected.

It's always good to be prepared and have your things in order. Because you never know what might happen. I picked out a nice dress and head to the bathroom to get myself ready. When I finished putting the dress on, I decided to wear some light makeup.

It's now 8:01, he should be here soon. My phone dinged.

Adrian: I'm here!

I stood up and walked to the front door and opened it. Adrian is standing right there in a nice casual outfit of his own, "Jess, you look nice." He said blushing.

"Thank you, so do." I grinned.

"You ready to go?" He asked smiling and he has such an amazing smile and I gush everytime.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said turning around to lock the door and follow him to his car. He opens the door for me to get in and I thanked him.

Once he got in the car I asked, "Where are we going?"

He just smiled and kept his eyes on the road not saying a word.

I laughed turning my head forward, "Okay, I get it, it's a surprise." From the corner of my eye, I saw him grin and glance at me, but I kept my eyes forward this time.

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