3: An Audition?

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"Peter, I don't think this is a good idea." I whispered to him as we get closer to his other friend group, "You have nothing to worry about, Lo." He said giving me a reassuring smile, but it didn't make me feel any better.

The group was laughing having a great old time and Peter and her was going ruin that unintentionally.

Heather glanced our way and a smile formed on her lips, I guess she doesn't see me yet.

"Peter, hey." Her eyes drifts to me who was standing behind him, "And... your friend." You could hear the distaste in her voice, what have I done to this girl? If anything, I tried to avoid her whenever we crossed paths because I could tell she didn't like me.

Heather rolled her eyes, "Heather, please be nice." Jarod told his friend as Raven put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Hi, guys. I thought Willow could hang out with us for a while?" Peter said ignoring Heather and turning his attention to his guy friends.

Raven sends him a glare, but he ignored that too.

Jarod and the other guy nod their heads, "Yeah/of course." They said making me smile at how nice their being.

Heather groans not even trying to hide that she annoyed by this idea, and I don't want to make her uncomfortable. Peter sits down and motions for me to sit next to him and the darker red head face grew red, "Okay, I'm sorry Peter, but why is she handing out with us. I know she's your friend and all, but you know how I feel about her." 'She' as in me is who she's talking about.

Looking at Peter I can tell she's already tired of her, "Heather, she's my friend and from my knowledge Willow hasn't done anything to you, has she?" He questions her at the end, and she doesn't answer.

Peter turns to Jarod and the other guy who I found out name is Matthew and starts a conversation with them.

Raven and Heather have their own conversation glancing at me everyone once in a while, I'm not sure what their conversation is about is because they were talking really low.

I hope they're not talking about me. The boys joined me in their conversation, but I mainly stayed quiet and just listened.

Sighing I stand up, Peter grabbed my hand, "Where are you going?"

"School's gonna start soon and I don't want to be late for class." I replied and he nodded letting go of my hand, "It was nice talking you, bye." I said mainly to Jarod and Mathew, I waved bye at them then made my way toward the entrance of the school.



"I have something to tell everyone." Quinton says in his shy tone. We all looked at him in interest to what he has to say because usually he's quiet.

"What is it, Quinton?" Jisoo asks him, out of all of us she talks the most to Quinton. It's not that we don't want to talk to him, it's just he doesn't speak much unless you start a conversation with him. I understand though I'm the same way with people I don't know well or am uncomfortable with.

"My dad is in the middle of making a new movie that he's also going to direct, and he asked me if know anybody at school who would want to audition for a role."

Joy squealed, "What's it about? Romance, Comedy, Action? Or all the above? 

Quinton takes a deep breath and answers, "Uh, it's about a teen girl and boy who are both eighteen years old. The girl is homeschooled because she pretty much lives in the hospital because she suffers from some condition. The boy is in his last year of high school and one day he goes to the hospital to visit his sick mother and accidentally walks into the wrong room that turns out to be where the girl is staying in and yeah that's how they meet." He finished summarizing up a little bit of the movie plot.

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