8: A Conversation

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"Peter, I have a question about Heather." It's after school and Peter invited me over to his house. His mother's in the kitchen while she told us to stay here in the living room, Peter takes in a deep breath and asked, "What did she do now?" He doesn't look up from his homework.

Staring at the sheet of paper in front of me, I glanced his way, "Um, nothing, when I went to the audition on Saturday and got the part." I paused, he turns his head to me, "What does the audition have to do with Heather?"

"She was there." I told him. 

"What, why would Heather go to audition for a Christian movie?" That got my attention, turning my head to look at him. I can see this puzzled look in his eyes, "She's- Heather's not even Christian." He said answering the question I've been wondering.

"Oh, well maybe this is a sign that she's trying to change her life around?" 

Peter shook his head setting his pencil down on top of his homework, "I'm not so sure, she knows that my family and I are Christians. If she decided to become one, then wouldn't she tell me?" 

"I don't know Peter, you know her better than I do." I shrugged.

"I'll call her later and ask her about it."

"You can wait until tomorrow?" I suggested, he'll see her tomorrow at school.

"No, I said what I said to her the other day. I need know." He said and I nodded. "Okay." A smile appeared on my face, "But wouldn't it be so amazing if she actually did want to change her life around and gave surrendered her life to Jesus!" The thought made me excited and hopeful, "I'll be praying for her."

Peter nods, "Yes, it would, I hope that happens." I ignored the unsureness in his tone and silently prayed for the girl's heart to be soften and she runs into the arms of the Lord.



Once I returned home from driving Willow to her house I went up to my room and instantly called Heather.

"Hey Pete." 

"Hey, I have a question." I said not beating around the bush, she mumbled under breath thinking I wouldn't hear but did hear, "Am I in trouble?" I heard her say causing me to furrow my eyebrows together.

"Yeah? What's your question?" 

"Willow, told me you were at the movie audition on Saturday."

She was silent for a few minutes, "What did she say?" 

"Heather, I'm curious to why you were at the audition?" I asked in my serious voice.

"Peter, I wanted to audition for the role of Delliah, but that girl got it before I could even show them my talent for acting." She was calm but knew she wanted to explode. This confirmed my suspicion, "Heather, that's a Christian movie and I knew you for years. You're not Christian, are you? Because if you were that this would be the best day ever." Heather isn't from a Christian household, but it would make him so happy if she gave her life to Christ.

"No Peter." She sighed, "I heard about it and decided to give it a chance." It sounded like she was about to cry, I stayed quiet, "I thought 'hey!' maybe if I audition for this movie, I can see what Peter's been talking about? You're always told me how much you love your God is and-" She paused, "How he loves us and shows us signs trying to get our attention." Hearing the sadness in her voice broke my heart.

"I was thinking- this was him trying to get my attention." She cried.

At this moment I wanted nothing more than to hug my friend, "He is Heather, he is." Tears filled my eyes, "He's trying to get your attention right now. He's saying come home my child. Heather, he loves you, he formed you in your mother's womb." I want her to know how much God loves and care for her.

NKJV Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."

"Heather, he knows everything about you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made." I said quoting scripture smiling. 

NKJV Psalm 139:14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

She sniffled in the phone, "Peter, I've done things and said things. I've been such a selfish person lately and I'm sorry for how I acted before with you and ... Willow."

"I forgive you, Heather and I know for a fact that Willow forgives you."

"Will he forgive me?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Yes, if you repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior." I told her.


"Repenting is when you realize your wrongdoings and turn away from them. Like if you're someone who goes clubbing and then one day you realize how wrong that life style is and want to stop doing that." I tried to explain carefully so she'll understand.

 "Heather, I invited you to my church last year, the invitation is still open." I hope and pray she'll accept this time.

"I want my life to change for the better. My parents barely pay attention to me and they think buying me materialistic stuff will make me happy when it actually dampens my mood. It shows me that they'll rather try and buy my happiness instead of spend time with me." She sobbed,

" I looked up a verse on the internet where Jesus lets you know that life isn't about material possession."

I nod, "Luke 12:14-15."

NKJV Luke 12:14 But He said to him, "Man, who made Me a judge or an arbitrator over you? 15 And He said to them, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses."   

"Yeah." She slowly replied, "Peter?"

I hummed enjoying the conversation we've been having, I would of never guessed one day Heather and I would be in this position. I talked to her before about Jesus, but she always changed the subject and now... things are different.

"I would love to go to your church." 

She accepted? My eyes widened and the little boy inside me wanted to jump up and down. Wow! I feel like Jisoo and Willow when they get excited about something, this is so awesome! Thank you, Heavenly Father!!!

"Awesome, I'll pick you up on Sunday." I grinned.

"Cool, it was nice to have this conversation." 

"I agree."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye." After hanging up I shouted, "YES."










What are your thoughts about Heather?

God Bless You :)

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