6: Feelings

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Hope wasn't surprise when she found out that she didn't get the role, nor was she shocked to find out that her best friend did. Joy is more interested in things like music and acting and was given those gifts. Hope on the other end is more interested in writing and drawing, she actually wants to be a cartoon creator.

She did enjoy being in Joy's song with their other two friends.

Jisoo was always into singing, acting, and dancing and she makes videos and put them on her website. Willow is similar to Jisoo but is more quiet than her, she has never showed interest in stuff like acting or singing. Willow wasn't what she wanted to do in life or what she's even good at.

At first the Mayweather girl felt bad for liking Kai since she knew him and Willow had long crushes on each other. But one day at school he came up to her and told her that he found out that Peter has feelings for her. Hope was shocked to hear this and didn't know why he was telling her, until he confessed that he was not even sure if he still has feelings for Willow.

When she finds this out her heart starts racing, Kai looks her in the eyes and says, "I think you are the person that I truly have feelings for."

"W-what?" Hope asks all flustered.

He sees the blush rises on her cheeks and grinned thinking at how cute she is, and he thought that for a while, "Hope, you're one I actually have feelings for, not Willow anymore."

"B-but she'll be sad at this news. She likes you for a long time and she's my- our friend." Hope said feeling sad for her gentle cheerful friend.

"Yeah." He nods, "For a while and then she'll get over it, Hope, we're still young and don't have to rush into anything. I'm confessing to you and if you don't feel the same then that's okay. We'll still be friends and about Willow I know this going to affect her but I'm not going to pretend." Hope knows Kai can be a pretty blunt person at times and doesn't care what others think, not even his friends.

She is taken a little by surprised though because out of everyone in their group, he's been the softest on Willow. Thinking about it he's also been pretty kind to her too, her and Willow. The memories that came to mind made her smile.

"I've liked you for some time now, but I didn't want to ruin my friendship with you and Willow." She admits looking at the boy and the grin doesn't leave his face, "I don't think our friendship would have been ruin, awkward yes, ruined no and Willow would have quickly forgiven you." He tells and she knew he was right.

 "What if- what if we don't still have feelings for each other when we turn eighteen years old?" She asked frowning.

Kai immediately knew the answer, "Then we'll know that we weren't meant for each other." He shrugged nonchalantly, "If we are meant to be then we'll know."











Short chapter... thoughts?

I Hope you had a good morning, afternoon or night 😁

Jesus Loves You :)

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