13: On Set

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This is so amazing, today's the big day! We're about to shoot the movie and I'm a bit nervous but I prayed about this and know that Jesus is with me and all of us. Standing next to the assistant director I watched as the staff prepared for the opening scene.

Mr. Brown is talking to the little girl that is will be playing the younger version of Courtney. I'm screaming on the inside this is so cool. I also just found out that there's another little girl playing the younger version of my character Delilah.

Mr. Brown walks over to us and sat down in a chair, oh! I almost forgot to mention we're filming in this really big nice two-story house. 

"Okay! Lights, camera, and action!" 

The scene starts off with Jennifer (The mother) having a baby that is supposed to be Courtney then later as time goes on Courtney gets older like at the age of two, they found out she's suffering from a weak heart, "That's sad." I told myself watching the scenes play out.

Tommy and Jennifer apparently want to adopt a child so Courtney would have someone to play with since they're going to home school her and they aren't always gonna be around, "Okay, you want your child to have company, someone around the same age as them so they don't feel lonely, but I hope you're showing them equal love." I thought frowning.

"And cut!" He shouts. Victor gets up and walks over to the six-year-old and gives her a high five. I smiled watching them talk the girl had on a huge grin and nodded at everything he is saying, "I wonder how he was when Quinton was a young boy?"

From the corner of my eye to see Rebecca chatting with the girl that plays younger Delilah. Turning away from Victor and the young actress I made my way over to them, "Hi, Rebecca and mini Delilah." I smiled.

They giggled, "My name is Carla." The girl told me.

"Nice to meet you Carla, is this your first time acting?"

"No." She shook her head, "I've acted in a few other things. My father is a pastor and I feel like acting in movies and shows that involve faith is what I'm supposed to be doing." She proudly nods.

"You love Jesus?" I asked putting my hands on my hips grinning and nods her head, "Yes!!! He's so amazing!" She squeals.

"Yes, yes he is, and he loves you, Rebecca and everyone!" I said throwing my hands up in the air excitedly. My time was spend talking to the girls about whatever kids their age talk about and break was soon over.

The day eventually ended, and Victor kindly drove me home. When I entered the house, I saw mom sitting on the couch watching tv, "Hi mom, I'm back." I said locking the front door. She turns to me, "Hi sweetie, how was your day?" She asked turning her eyes away from the tv to me.

"It was okay, I didn't get to act but learning how they do things was cool." I shrugged going to sit down next to her, "Had fun?" She questioned.

I nod my head, "I had fun." We continue to watch what was on the screen and I talked about the day I experience, and she mentioned her day with Leon.


After talking to mom, I went to my bedroom and called Jisoo. We talked a bit excited about filming our scenes for tomorrow. Then I played with my little baby brother until dinner time, once was done I brought him downstairs and put him in his highchair.

I helped feed him his mushy carrots as mom placed the food on our plates. Mom made chicken and rice and spinach. I sat down and we said grace before eating, mom took over with feeding Leon. 

"Willow, can you please wash the dishes for me as Lie Leon down to sleep." She asked picking him up, "Sure mom." I nodded.

"Thank you."

There are only two plates to be washed so I pick them up and walked to the sink. After that I got ready for bed but before I sleep, I read my bible.

Putting my bible away, I said a prayer and then laid down closing my eyes.

And I was out like a light.








I Love You but Jesus Loves You More.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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