20: Leon

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Willow danced her way down the aisle ahead of me, "Mom, can I go see if the ice cream sandwiches are on sale?" I stopped the cart picking up a box of cereal, "Okay, sweetie." I replied putting box of cinnamon toast crunch in the cart.

She squealed, "Thank you, mom!" I smiled watching her run off when she disappeared around the corner I continued to shop. 

"Willow's been wanting help me cook more." Picking up some ramen I wondered what good, nice and fun thing would be to make? I gasped, "I know." Throwing the ramen in the cart I went to the meat section.

"Cube beef for beef stew but instead we'll make ramen with cube beef and lettuce." It might sound bland but it's something Willow will be interested in.

"Kelly?" I heard and turned my head.

"Asher, hi." Glancing down I notice a little standing beside him. She looked up at me and waved and I waved back then diverted my eyes back to Asher. "Kelly, it's nice to you again." He smiled.

Chuckling I replied, "Yeah, way better then in a hospital room." He laughed and the little girl pulled his sleeve making him look down at her, "Dad, who's this?" My eyes widened I was curious to why he has a kid with him since he's not married, I thought he might be taking care of someone else's child.

"Clem, this is Kelly, one of my patients and Kelly this is Clementine my a- daughter." So, she is his daughter they don't look alike, she might be adopted. Wait, is that wrong for me to assume?

Clementine turns to me and puts her hand out for me to shake, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." She smiled. I shook her hand, "Hi, Clementine you are well mannered." I said glancing at Asher impressed and he just had this cheesy grin on his face.

"Mom!" We all turned to see Willow running our way, "The ice cream sandwiches are on sale and look!" She squealed holding box of corn dogs in her hands. "No."

She frowned, "Why." The fifteen-year-old pouted.

"Willow, the last time I bought corn dogs for you, you got tired of them quickly." I said putting my hands on my hips. "Now can you tell me that won't happen again?"

My daughter pouted and looked to side and her eyes widened in surprised not realizing that she had an audience, "Mr. Hernandez, didn't see you there." Her face turned pink, "Hi." Asher grinned, "Hi Willow, how are you?"

"Great." Willow looked at me and smiled, "I'm going to put this back." She speeds away from us as fast as she could, I shook my head at my silly daughter and turned my head to Asher, "I need to continue with my shopping, nice seeing you Mr. Human."

I waved bye to them and was going to walk away but Asher stopped me.

"Kelly, I was wondering if you'll be interested in going out to dinner with me tomorrow night?" Looking at him I'm surprised my stomach fluttered with butterflies. Is he asking me on a date? I diverted my eyes down at Clementine to see her looking at something, not even paying attention to us.

A big smile came across my face, "Yeah, I'm available, so yeah I'll go out to dinner with you." He grinned and nods, "I'll pick you up at eight." 

I'm checking out in the checkout line with Willow in front of the cart putting the bags in the cart. I paid for everything, and we walked out the store to the car, Willow helped me put the groceries in the car, "I'll take the cart to the store!" Willow said and ran to the store really fast with the cart.

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