8: She's Awake

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Jessie dropped us off in front of the hospital Willow thanked him and dashed out the car and ran inside the building. "Thank you, big bro we'll call when Willow's ready to leave." I said getting out of his cool looking car that mom bought him for his birthday last year.

He rolled down the window, "No problem little sis, and don't annoy the doctors and nurses!" He said then sped off. "Jessie! You know I wouldn't do that!" I yelled after him. "At least not on purpose." I mumbled.

Well, enough standing here like a nobody, though I am a nobody. I need to be by my best friend's side, ASAP, pronto! And with that I skipped inside the huge white hospital building. 

I skipped my whole self to room 222 stopping at the door I peeked in the little window. I see Willow sitting by the bedside staring down at Aunt Kelly holding onto her hand. I'm hungry I think I'll go grab a snack from the vending machine.

And it didn't take me long to find one, oooh! They have gummy bears, my favorite! Jumping up and down then I put the money in the machine. 

Returning back to the room I opened "I love myself some gummy bears." Willow and to my amazement aunt Kelly turned their gaze on me. I let out the biggest squeal with gummy bears in my mouth pointing at them.

Willow and Kelly stared at me amused.

"You're awake!" I said giving her a big hug as gently as I can without hurting her. "Yes, I am it's nice to see you, Jisoo."

I smiled then looked at Willow who was staring down at the bag of gummy bears in my hand. I picked out a red bear and danced it in front of her face playfully, "Want one?" I sang.

She stuck her tongue out in disgust, "Yuck, no thank you." She said shaking her head. Laughing I threw it in mouth, "I can't understand how can you not like anything gummy? Except gum itself." Willow just shrugged and turning her attention back to her mother.

"Mom, I'm so happy your awake. I don't know what would happen if I've lost you." Willow said in a quiet and calm voice. Kelly smiled at her daughter but before she said anything someone knocked on the door.

"I see your reconciled with your daughter." A man with a doctor's coat on entered the room. He's tall maybe 6'1, he has a beard and wavy black hair, and nice piercing dark eyes. He's extremely handsome looking.


Smiling at the teen girls I turned my attention to Mrs. Sandler. "Mrs. Sandler nice to see you're awake, again." I chuckled but no one laughed. 

"Awkward." The Asian girl sang eating a bag of gummy bears.

I cleared my throat, "Anyway, since you're awake I would like to see if you are able to breathe without the breathing mask."

Kelly nodded and I went to take off the mask. I watched to see how she does breathing on her own. The curly red head takes a shaky deep breath in and then smoothly let the air out. From the corner of my eyes, I see her daughter stand on the side nervously watching. 

Kelly takes a few more deep breaths without any problems.

I wrote down on my notepad.

Patient seems to be breathing fine on her own.

Looking up at her I grinned, "That's great, but I think you should stay here for a few more days. It's best if I keep a watch on you to make sure everything's fine with your breathing and new heart." Kelly gave me a hesitant look and was about to say something, but she stopped herself and nodded.

"No! She should come home with me!" The young teen cried.

Kelly gave her a look, "Willow, don't be rude." Willow moved her eyes to the floor letting a tear slipped down her cheek, "Sorry." The girl whispered.

"Now what do you say to the nice doctor?" 

Willow looked up from the floor at me, "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"It's fine, I understand." I smiled and gave her a nod.

"You're not alone, you're never truly alone." Kelly told Willow in a soft tone.

Willow sniffled and nodded.

Kelly gave Jisoo a subtle look to which the gummy bear girl responded with an 'okay.' 

"Come on Willow we better go home a do... uh homework! Bye aunt Kelly and have a nice one Dr. Human!" Jisoo pulled the sad girl out the room.

Kelly laughed, "I'm sorry, Doc-" I cut her off. "Asher... you can call me Asher, almost all my patients do." Kelly's cheeks tinted red making me smile. She giggled looking away from me, "I-I'm sorry but I don't think that's appropriate, Doctor Hernandez."

"I feel the same way." We turn our heads to the door to see Yvonne walking in with a tray of food. I rolled my eyes, she sat the tray on the side table and looked at me with serious stare putting a hand on her hip, "Doctor Hernandez I'll take care of the rest here, you can leave." I gave her a are serious look and Kelly just looked back and forth at us confused.

"Okay. I'll take my leave. I'll check on you tomorrow Mrs. Sandler, I hope you have good night." I said taking my eyes off of Yvonne and threw Kelly a kind smile.

And with that I turn around and walked out the room.













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