12: Going Back Home

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Kelly Sandler is a businesswoman owns her own company and stores that she named GoModesty! It was a rough road for Kelly building her business especially after what happened to her husband but by the grace of God she got through.

She had Willow to take care of and she's now a single mother. Her husband and her met interestingly on her twenty fifth birthday and they got married a year later. The husband was a good man of God and he made sure his family had everything they needed.

He always put God first and Kelly loved that about him.

Willow was such a daddy's girl and followed him around the house. When he died it took Willow the longest to recover, Kelly prayed for her daughter's heart to healed and after a month of sobbing and moping she was back to her normal self all thanks to God.

Kelly had no plans to get married again, she thought this marriage was going to her first and only marriage. 

Willow just wants her mother to be happy, and she respects Kelly and know how hard she works being a single parent but also made time for her.

The fifteen-year-old wouldn't mind if her mother got remarried, she misses her father, but she actually thinks it would be nice to have a father figure around the house.

Asher Human is a cardiologist, he loves to help his patients get better. Ever since he was a child, he wanted to have a job that helped people. Asher is a warm caring person and him and his sister Jessica are like best friends.

Asher lives alone with his golden retriever and this forty-year-old hopes to get married and invite them into his home one day.



Doctor Asher is sitting in a chair and writing on that notebook of his. I wonder what he's writing about? Probably about my health. Makes sense what else would he be writing about?

"So, you're a cardiologist?"


I nodded, "And you gave me my new heart?" That might've been a stupid question to ask, but oh well it came out.

He smirked and looked up from his notepad, "I and my other fellow surgeons replaced your old heart with a new heart but, I think we all can thank God for it being a success."

I smiled diverting my eyes downward, He's a man of God?

"What is it Mrs. Sandler? You look to be thinking deeply about something."

I shook my head and smiled widely up at him, "No, it's just, are you Christian?"

He nodded and gave me a handsome smile, "Yes, I'm strong in my faith and I say a prayer everyday before going off to work."

"Awesome! I can tell you are a true man of God."

"Really, how?" He tilts his head.

"I haven't known you for long, but from how you speak it sounds like you really love God and trust in him." I tried to explain.

He stared at me with a straight smile making me a little nervous. He finally spoke, "Mrs. Sandler, I can tell you have a beautiful heart." He gave me a huge grin causing me to blush.

"Do you have a wife, Doctor Asher?" He chuckled and shook his head, "No, I'm waiting for the right one." 

"Not even a girlfriend?" I asked, "No." He replied laughing at the shocked look on my face. "I'm sorry for being nosy." 

"That's not being nosy at least I don't think so." He said with a kind smile, and I returned it. "Are you excited to go home?" 

I grinned, "Oh, yes I can't wait to get return to work, and Willow will be happy to be back in her home." Knowing my daughter, she's enjoys being with her friends and traveling but she'll be happy to return to her comfort of her home, and it's been two weeks now.

Norah visited me and told me that she called the company to tell them about my situation. 

Norah is Jisoo's mother and is really put together or that's what you'll think if you met her for the first time and I say think because on the outside she is but on the inside she's not and throws herself into her career.

My eyes diverted to the window the sun is shining and the sky is clear with just a few clouds, "What's the weather supposed to be today?"

"Um, forecast said today's will be a nice sunny day and little cool."  He said and nodded my head.

Turning my head in his direction I smiled, "Thank you doctor Asher."

"Mrs. Sandler, like I said before you can call me Asher almost all my patient do."

Thinking about it I shrugged, "Okay, then you can call me Kelly. I leaned in a little, "Not Mrs. Sandler." I whispered playfully.

We both laughed and he nodded agreeing.

"Thank you, Shelly." I thanked Shelby for giving me a ride home from the hospital. 

Shelby smiled, "No problem, Kelly. You gave us all quite the scare when you didn't come into work or call like normal. But then that friend of yours, Norah Lee called and informed us."

We walked to the kitchen and sat at the table. Shelby had to go, and I went upstairs to my bedroom, Norah told me she'll bring Willow home in the afternoon.

Laying on my bed I picked the remote and turned on the tv. I'm trying to focus but my mind can't seem to focus on the tv screen because it's filled with thoughts of Asher. I never had any intensions with getting in another relationship. 

Maybe getting in another relationship won't be too bad.

I'll be returning to the hospital on Monday the nineteenth, so they can check on my heart to see if everything's okay.

Five minutes passed, my eyes started to droop, and I drifted off to sleep.


Willow gets dropped off at the house, "Thank you!" She waved bye. Norah rolled down the window, "Go inside, I'll leave after you're safely inside the house." Willow nodded and ran up to the door unlocked it and walked inside. 

The young girl runs to the window and peeks out the curtains to see her friend's mom drive away. Turning around she ran upstairs yelling for her mom, "Moooom!" Willow puts her bag and duffle bag in her room then she ran to her mother's bedroom.

The door was already open, Willow runs in the room excited to see her mom's mom. She stopped noticing she's asleep. Pouting she turned around and gently closed the door behind her to not wake the woman up.

She walked in her room and unpacked her stuff then she sat on her bed and read her bible.













I Hope you have a Blessed Day or Night :)

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