☆ first meetings ☆

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four months later

despite not working until 10 a.m., that was still far too early for margot. she much preferred sleeping in until noon at the earliest. but she was assistant manager now, so she did actually have to get up and go.

her alarm had been going off for twenty minutes when olive slammed open her door.

"turn off your alarm or i'm going to break your phone." despite the threat, she was smiling at her. olive, her best friend and roommate, was very much a morning person, so it's not like margot's alarm woke her up. "i'm getting sick of hearing beeping."

olive and margot looked almost nothing alike. olive had perpetually blue hair and matching blue eyes, and was 5'7. margot, on the other hand, had naturally red hair and brown eyes, and was just barely 5'3. they'd been friends for years, though. since middle school.

they'd both grown up in the midwest, both went to the same college in california, and both stayed in L.A. after graduation. they did pretty much everything together except work, because olive actually had a big girl job. she was the manager of a theatre a couple blocks down their street. margot jokingly called her a nepo baby often, because her cousin had managed it before her, but she did deserve the roll.

"don't you have work in like, an hour? you should've been out of bed half an hour ago." olive said, leaning against her doorframe.

margot just made grumbling sounds into her pillow.

"i'll drive you to work and get you coffee if you get up." olive continued, "plus, if i pick you up too, we can go to target and fuck around after you get off." margot finally lifted her head, smiling.

"fuck yeah." she finally got out of bed, deciding on a pair of dark jeans and an old band tee. she braided her hair back and grabbed a heavy jacket, because it was pretty cold in mid march. she was also a wimp, and got cold super easily.

she did her morning routine in record time and shoved on her converse, which were honestly falling apart from use at this point. she met olive by the door, who looked as if she'd been waiting for a while.

margot smiled sheepishly and linked arms with olive, trying to get her to skip to the car with her. she relented eventually, both of them giggling until they reached olive's car.

olive turned on her playlist, blasting their favorite songs on the way to the coffee shop. as they pulled into the drive through, she realized she recognized one of the songs. she sighed.

"what, you don't like awsten knight?" olive said, turning her head to look at margot. margot shook her head. she hadn't exactly told olive about what had happened, because it still felt a bit petty holding a grudge against this dude, but whatever.

"not really my cup of tea." was all she replied with. olive snickered, turning the music up louder. margot fake cried, covering her ears, but the song still bled through her hands.

olive finally turned it down, still laughing, because she had to order.

"get me an iced chai please." margot smiled.

olive nodded, ordering both hers and margot's drinks. the song finally ended, and they didn't hear any more from him before olive dropped her off at work.

"make lots of money, sell lots of records, and have fun!" olive shouted, leaning out of her window to do so. margot groaned, covering her face.

"you're embarrassing me!" she said, but she was giggling.

"you love it!"

"whatever, mom."

she finally made it inside, unlocking the doors. they didn't open until 11, so right now her job was to make sure the store was set. flynn didn't come in until later, either, so she was alone until his shift started.

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