☆ new beginnings ☆

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margot had to stop getting her hopes up that she wouldn't see awsten around. but here he was, at her favorite coffee shop. she knew for a fact he'd never been there before, because olive and margot frequented that place at a frankly concerning rate.

he was tucked into the back corner, his laptop open on the table in front of him, an iced coffee half drank next to it.

she hoped that meant that he would leave soon, but her luck was not that good. she just resolved to get her drink and sit as far away from him as possible. if there were enough people between them, he wouldn't see her.

margot ordered her usual, an iced chai, and picked a seat away from the door, but still a good distance from awsten. she had some work that she needed to get done outside of the record shop. one of their vendors had fucked up an entire order and flynn thought that she had spent enough time as assistant manager that she could handle some of the more business side of it.

while she was greatful for the opportunity, she was also fighting the urge to cuss out the stupid person she was emailing with because they didn't understand that they had to fix their own issue.

margot was half way through typing out a sentence that was 90% the word 'fuck' to get it out of her system when a shadow covered her laptop.

she sighed deeply, knowing who was going to be standing over her. she looked up.


she fucking knew it. he smiled at her, peering at her laptop screen.

"you really know how to convince someone, that's some pretty strong wording right there." awsten commented. she angrily deleted the sentence.

"yeah well, minored in english, so." she left it at that. he took that as an invitation to sit at her table.

"yeah, sure, sit down." margot said, closing her laptop. she knew with him there nothing would get done.

"hey, thanks!" awsten replied. "so i think i owe you a coffee, and look where we're at!" he gestured around, a smirk on his face.

"astute observation." she grumbled, "i've already got a coffee though." she picked it up to gesture, but cursed under her breath when she realized it was already almost empty. she must've really been in that email.

awsten's grin widened, "well, looks like you're almost out, what can i get you?"

she sighed, loudly, so he knew how much she didn't like it. but hey, it was a free coffee... who could say no? they were already there...

"fine. i usually drink an iced chai." he nodded, and got up. she took the couple minutes to put all her shit away. awsten definitely wasn't leaving soon.

when he got back, he had a new drink for himself as well. he slid hers across the table lightly so that she could still catch it. she took a sip, and unfortunately it still tasted good. she was hoping it was gross so she could complain.

"so, am i forgiven?" awsten asked, batting his eyelashes at her.

margot considered. he did seem to actually care about winning her favor, and he did buy her a coffee... fuck it, she was giving in.

"you are on thin, thin ice." she decided. awsten held up his hands.

"hey, i'll take it." awsten took a long sip of his drink. "so, you minored in english, what did you major in?"

"i don't think i agreed to answer questions." margot said, tapping her nails on the table.

"oh come on, we could be friends! i'm a great person to be friends with!" awsten pleaded dramatically.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now