☆ picnicking ☆

118 4 16

little bit of suggestive content in this just be aware!!

it had been a few days since margot had seen awsten, because right after they'd fully fixed their relationship, margot worked back to back shifts and awsten got busy in the studio. he was starting work on his new album (which he refused to tell margot anything about because it was a "surprise" or whatever).

but they were finally seeing each other today, a sort of unofficial date to get back into the swing of things. they were just going to go on a picnic but margot was excited anyways.

she'd spent the better part of the morning getting ready. she had to reign herself back from looking too fancy because it wasn't a super formal event or anything. she wouldn't be surprised if awsten showed up in his usual. (not that she'd be complaining but...).

she went for a more natural look for her makeup, just putting concealer where she needed it and light blush and mascara. her eyeliner was eyeshadow for a softer look.

for her outfit, it was a sundress that hit just below her knees that had cutouts on her side. the pattern was a bunch of orange, purple, and pink flowers on a white background. it was just a classic picnic outfit. she paired it with a pair of sandals and basic jewelry, just her every day rings and a simple necklace.

her phone went off, a phone call from awsten lighting up her screen. his profile picture took over the entire screen, a picture of him she'd taken a while back, and she took a second to look at before answering.

"hey, princess." he started when she picked up.

"hi, baby." she said. "what's up?"

"i'm on my way, should be there in like 10 minutes." he answered.

she smiled, glad she was already ready to go. she didn't want to rush anything.

"alright, see you soon. can't wait to see you." she said, smiling widely.

"me either. bye, sweetheart." and then the call ended. she couldn't stop smiling as she gathered anything she'd need, like her keys and her lip gloss. she sprayed her perfume, the goddess one from burberry. it was a little pricey, but it was one of the only things she spent decent money on, so it was worth it.

she lost track of time a bit, so awstens knock on her door made her jump, but she was completely ready so she grabbed her things and went to the door.

when she swung open the door, he took her breath away (as much of a cliche that was). he was in tight blue shorts and a graphic tee, but it looked so good on him. she didn't realize she was staring before he cleared his throat.

she looked up, knowing she was blushing, but was pleased to see that he was blushing too. which was crazy, because he had to be used to eyes on him at this point.

"see something you like?" he teased her.

"mhm. very much so." she retorted.

"you flatter me." he said, holding out his hand for her to take. she grabbed it, and he swung their hands lightly as they walked to his car. when they got there, he opened the car door for her, helping her into her seat.

when he got in and started his car, he took her hand again, running his thumb over the back of it. the drive to where they were going to have their picnic wasn't super long, and when they arrived, she helped him carry the blanket while he carried the frankly huge picnic basket.

it made her realize that this was her first ever picnic date ever and it got her excited all over again.

"what are you smiling at, pretty girl?" he asked, turning to look at her.

"nothing. this is just my first ever picnic date." she admitted.

"well, i am honored to be the first one to take you on a picnic. you deserve it."

they got to a secluded area of the park they were at, and they laid out the blanket together. it was lucky that it wasn't windy, because the blanket would've been flipped.

awsten pulled out the food he'd made for them, a couple sandwiches, a bowl of fruit salad, and homemade cookies.

"did you make those yourself?" she asked.

"of course i did, i had to call my mom for her recipe, but i think i did a good job. just lie to me if they're horrible."

"im sure they're gonna be amazing. they look fantastic." she said. they really did. they were chocolate chip and she could tell they were soft.

he handed her a sandwich and they ate quietly, pressed hip to hip. the sandwiches were basic but they were delicious, a classic food that was perfect for the atmosphere. awsten came prepared, with bowls for them to separate their portions of the fruit out in.

"this is perfect. thank you, awsten." she said, biting into a chunk of watermelon. she felt like a teenager again.

"anything for you, sweetheart." he said, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to to the back of it before setting it back down.

finally, they'd finished their sandwiches and margot could finally try the cookies he'd made for them.

he picked one out for her, trying to find the one that looked the best, and set it in her hands. he looked nervous but she knew she was going to love it because he made it specifically for her.

she took a bite and immediately moaned, "fuck, this is so good." she enjoyed watching his face change. his eyes darkened slightly as well.

that wasn't her intention at all, the cookie was just that good, but she didn't mind his reaction.

"seriously, these are amazing." she said, taking another bite. she could see him trying to pull himself together and she fought back a laugh. he was almost too easy.

she finished her cookie before he'd even taken a bite of his. his eyes caught her lips and then he spoke.

"you've got a bit of..." he didn't finish his sentence, reaching his hand up to rub at the corner of her lips, wiping away the melted chocolate.

she felt decidedly bold, and when his thumb got close enough to her lips, she took it into her mouth.

his eyes fluttered and he muttered out an almost imperceptible "fuck".

"you're playing a dangerous game, princess." he said, his voice deep.

she just smiled, sucking on his thumb and running her tongue around it. she let him slide it out but pouted. her eyes darted to his lap, where he was shifting to hide the fact that he was getting hard.

"you need to stop, or i'm going to need to get you in my car." awsten said.

"who said i didn't want that?" margot said, looking up at him with hooded eyes. he swore quietly and stood up.

"let's go." he gathered all of their stuff quicker than she thought he could've and started heading to his car.

she just followed along, happy to get what she wanted.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now