☆ distractions ☆

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margot was well aware that olive was hanging out with her mainly because they were best friends, but also with an undertone of making sure she didn't try to jump off their balcony when she wasn't looking.

as she predicted, she'd had a complete spiral the second she had gotten back into her room yesterday and olive had texted her telling her to cry quieter so she could sleep. she was so nice.

but she woke up that morning with the confidence that she wasn't going to do the same thing that night, and she wasn't going to think about her situation at all. easy peasy. she just needed to make sure she wasn't left alone with her thoughts.

so olive and her had planned an entire day together. their first step was getting their nails done together.

margot decided to dress cute and put on makeup because that always made her feel even just a little bit better. she put on a skirt and one of her nicer tops, and did her full face of makeup. after she was ready, she met olive in their living room, who was dressed similarly. in her own words, if margot was getting dressed up so did she, obviously.

"can we actually take pictures, too? we literally haven't taken pics together in almost a year." olive said as they were walking to her car.

"you just want something to post on instagram. all i am is a good feed to you." margot fake-pouted as she got in the car.

"is that so wrong?" olive teased. they went and got coffee first before going to their appointment. once they were there, they picked their nail designs and sat down. margot decided on black nails with silver stars on them and olive just went full purple. it matched her freshly dyed hair. margot honestly had no idea how long it had been dyed.

after their nail appointment, they went to a sit down lunch, and spent a long time sitting and talking, because no matter how long they talked the night before, somehow they always found new things to talk about and more hours to spend yapping.

after, margot gave into olive's demands, and they found one of the many "aesthetic" walls around la to use for their backdrop and take pictures at. they took a few serious ones and then margot decided she was done and started posing ridiculously, mainly to get olive to laugh. after they took their pictures together, olive forced her to take solo pictures of her.

next, they went grocery shopping so they could make dinner together (or olive could make dinner and margot could watch, because she'd accidentally forgotten the water in her mac and cheese cup and olive banned her from touching the stove or microwave for two months). she kept trying to sneak things into the cart, different treats and toys that olive kept taking out.

"you're just like my mom." margot sighed as olive took out another thing she added. "at least let me keep the ice cream." she frowned.

"you can keep one single type of ice cream." olive said. "i know your ass isn't paying for this shit so i refuse to."

"why can't you be my sugar mama? am i not worthy?" she said, draping herself dramatically over the cart.

"neither of us make enough money to be sugar mommies and i refuse to be yours in particular. and get off the cart or i will run you over." she pushed the cart forward slightly as a warning.

"you're so kind to me. i can tell you love me." she replied sarcastically, but she did get off the cart reluctantly.

they finished up their shopping soon after that and went straight home, considering they'd spent about two hours in the store and it was getting close to dinner time.

when they got home, olive made her put away all the groceries they didn't need while she started making dinner.

"are you sure i can't help? i promise i will not burn the apartment down."

"i don't like the way you said that." olive narrowed her eyes at her. "but i guess you can cut up the peppers. do not cut yourself or your ban is going to extend." she handed her the peppers and the cutting board.

"you have so little faith in me." margot said, very carefully doing her task.

"it's deserved."

dinner didn't take too long, just a spicy pasta with grilled chicken recipe olive had made for them many times before. it made a fuck tom of food, so they always had leftovers, which was good for margot when she got banned from cooking anything (which happened more times than she could count).

they ate in the living room, because despite having a dining room and a table, it pretty much was just used as a mail pile.

olive put on the kissing booth, because it was a terrible but amazing movie that they'd seen probably a million times before. it was at the point that they could quote it without paying any attention.

after, margot did the dishes and then they started up a game of uno. despite there only being two of them, uno games were violent. both of them were extremely competitive and loud. there was always at least one death threat per game and most of them time it was way more than just one.

because there was just two of them, the games were short, but that just made it worse. eventually, they decided that it was going too far and they should probably be done. they decided they should go to bed and bid each other goodnight before retreating into their respective rooms.

margot took off her makeup and took a quick shower and did all of her skincare before realizing she hadn't checked her phone in at least four hours. that was definitely a record for her.

she got in bed before opening it, getting comfortable for the onslaught of notifications she always had.

except, she was immediately caught on one in particular. awsten had texted her.


we need to talk.


ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now