☆ onto new things ☆

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heyyyyyy... sorry i've been mia... i've been crazy busy but. here we are! last chapter!

margot (wrongly) assumed she was going to have an entirely normal day. she had worked the morning shift at work, gotten lunch with olive, texted awsten a bit, etc. all very normal things.

however, awsten had gone live on instagram a few minutes ago and as much as she was curious about whatever he was doing, she felt weird watching his lives. knowing him, he was probably doing something strange.

to distract herself, she decided to clean her room. it was a bit of a mess, considering she was spending quite a lot of time at awsten's instead of her own place. she was pretty sure it had been at least a couple weeks since she'd spent longer than a night or two here. whoops.

who could really blame her, though?

she took up quite a bit of time cleaning, and just as she was about to call it good, olive almost broke down her door.

"dude! wha the fuck?" margot yelped. she went to her wall, making sure the door handle didn't smash a hole. luckily, it was fine. she sighed and turned back to olive, who looked like she was vibrating with how much she was bouncing up and down.

"you have to watch this." was all olive said as she shoved her phone in margot's face. it was awsten's livestream.

she turned to olive, "why the fuck-" she started, but olive covered her mouth with her hand.

"shhh! i got bored! just watch!" with a heavy sigh, margot turned back to the phone. she didn't get a great look with the phone shoved in her face, but now that it was at a reasonable distance, she could make out what was going on on screen.

"what the fuck?" she said, but it was muffled from olive's hand that was still over her mouth. olive removed it quickly once she realized.

"i told you!" olivia whisper-shouted.

margot couldn't do anything but stare at the screen in shock. awsten was currently in the process of cutting all of his hair off. along with that, in the background, the song he had recorded the time he'd taken her to the studio with him was playing in the background.

olive must've ran in here the second he started doing this, because he was about halfway through eliminating all of the green.

margot and olive sat in complete silence for the rest of the stream. margot fought the urge to cover her face because she wanted to see exactly where this was going.

the stream ended abruptly when the song ended and margot sat on her bed.

"what the fuck." margot covered her face and flopped backwards.

"are you okay?" olive said, sitting on the bed next to her. margot uncovered her face just enough to glare at her. olive held up her hands, "okay, okay! obviously not."

"i'm going to kill him, i think."

"aw man. think of all the disappointed fans."

margot sighed loudly, "i'm gonna call him right now." olive made no move to leave the room, so margot just gestured for her to be silent as she opened up facetime and called awsten

it barely rang for a full time before awsten was picking up. she felt a bit like crying when she saw how fucked up his hair was. she silently prayed that he didn't leave it like that.

"hey, sweetheart! i can't talk for long, i'm about to go to a photoshoot." he said, talking quickly and moving around his apartment.

"looking like that?" she said without thinking.

he pouted at her through the screen, "you don't like it?" he ran a hand through the uneven locks.

"..." she tried to find something nice to say.

"ouch. don't worry. it's not going to look like this forever." he smiled at her. "but i seriously have to go, i'll call you later, okay?"

"yeah, okay. love you."

"love you too, princess. bye!" and he hung up.

olive was fake-gagging when margot looked up at her, so she pushed her off the bed.

"ow!" olive said, sitting up.

"you're fine." margot rolled her eyes. "his hair. dude." was all she could say.

"it's not that bad. you can't seriously tell me you were that into the green." at margot's silence she sighed. "you're into weird shit, dude."

"i'm just a girl." margot replied.

while waiting for awsten to call her back, margot stress cleaned the rest of the apartment. it wasn't super big or anything, so it didn't take her a super long time, but she needed something to do.

luckily, it didn't take more than a couple hours for awsten to call her back.

she answered the facetime almost immediately and let out a sigh of relief. clearly, wherever he'd gone had fixed his haircut.

"hey sweetheart. i'm on my way to you. be ready to go in like 20 minutes." awsten said as he got into his car.

"alright, see you when you get here." margot smiled. it was obvious that she loved spending time with him, even when he'd just cut all of his hair off.

they hung up and she scrambled to change and run a brush through her hair to make herself look presentable after working and cleaning all day. not that he would care, but.

she made sure she had her phone and her keys just in case, and was finished right as awsten texted her that he was there.

she went outside and got in his car. he leaned over the console to kiss her quickly and then pulled back.

now that she was with him in person, she could see his hair better. it looked much better than it did earlier, cleaned up and put together.

margot reached up and ran her hand through it.

"it's so short." she said, feeling it between her fingers.

"yeah, well. thought it was time for something new." awsten grinned at her. "what do you think?" he asked.

"it looks really good. i was just extremely caught off guard when olive showed me the live stream. i do miss the green though."

"i don't. i had it for way too long. needed something new." awsten admitted, fidgeting with the strands at the front.

"well, i'm always going to think you look good, so." margot admitted, catching his hand to press a kiss to the back of it.

"you're too sweet, princess. you wanna get out of here?" he asked, going to rebuckle his seatbelt.


margot didn't know where they were going, but she found she didn't much care when it was awsten she was with.

THE END! wow. okay. welcome to the end :). don't worry, there's going to be an epilogue, i promise! i hope you all enjoyed :)

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now