☆ better days ☆

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margot knew she was smiling like a fool but she didn't care much. she was the happiest she'd been in months.

she'd finally gotten home after spending an embarrassing three days at awsten's apartment (minus the short trip they'd taken to pick up her clothes and things so she could stay over comfortably) and she was so giddy she could hardly stand it.

she felt bad that she hadn't been home in a while, or spent quality time with olive, but olive didn't care as long as margot told her all the "tea".

olive had followed her into her room the second she got home and sat on her bed while she unpacked to make sure she wouldn't ignore her. it was working very well. as soon as she put away the last thing in her bag, olive grabbed her hand and yanked margot onto the bed with her.

"woah!" margot said, flailing as she collapsed onto the bed. "warn a girl next time!" she huffed, rearranging herself so she was sat up against her pillows. olive crawled up next to her and cuddled up into her.

"get over it. tell me everything." she demanded.

"i thought you were still on the "hating awsten" train. what happened to that, huh?" margot teased, resting her head on top of olive's.

"well. clearly he's made up for whatever he did, so. he's still on thin ice though. he should be very aware of that." olive looked up at margot, her face deadly serious.

margot pet her hair like she was soothing a puppy, "alright. i'll tell him. for sure." she fought back a giggle.

"don't patronize me."

"i would never!" she took a second to think. "where do you want me to start?"

"i don't know, what did you do on your little date? and then go from there, i guess. i want to know everything." olive said.

"okay, well we went on a little picnic. it was so cute, dude. he made us homemade cookies and i almost died. and he, like, made us sandwiches and had a fruit salad, the works. it was so perfect." margot gushed.

"were the cookies good?" olive interrupted.

"yes! that was the best part! i already knew that he knew how to cook, but a man who knows how to bake? incredible. and he asked his mom for the recipe. i nearly passed out."

"okay, wow. yeah, he's definitely making up for being a dick." olive snorted. margot smacked her on the arm.

"be nice!"

"i'm trying! i thought that was nice enough!" olive said, rubbing over where margot had whacked her. "and then what? you just went back to his apartment?"

"um. well. no?" margot started.

"what, you did something else?" olive said, not quite understanding.

"well, no. we, um, stayed in the park." she replied, skirting around actually saying what they had done.

"oh, so... wait. EW! you fucked in the park?" olive screeched.

"no! gross! it was in his car!" margot defended herself.

"still! that's technically still in public!"

"his windows are tinted! anyways i'm not arguing with you about this i have better things to share." margot grinned down at olive, who was suddenly very attentive.

"he said he loved me." margot said, and then immediately had to turn and shove her face into her pillow and squeal. it didn't feel real despite the fact that they'd said it back and forth the entire time she was at his apartment. the thought of it made her stomach flip.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now