☆ into place ☆

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it's currently 1:22 a.m.    enjoy (finished at 4:18 a.m. lmao)

margot woke up slowly, coming to consciousness with a lot of confusion. she couldn't remember falling asleep and she had zero idea where she was.

when she opened her eyes, it was to awsten's dark living room, lit only by the title screen of a movie on the tv screen. she didn't remember laying down, but she was stretched out on his couch.

after that realization was the realization that she was tucked into awsten's side, her face pressed into his chest. one of his arms was wrapped around her to keep her against him. from what she could see, he was fast asleep, his head titled down towards hers, like it was resting on hers before she'd woken up.

she laid her head back down, figuring it was probably around 2 or 3 in the morning. it didn't take her long to fall back asleep, warm and comfortable.

when margot woke up for the second time, there was sun coming through the big windows and shining directly in her eyes. from what she could tell, it was still decently early in the morning, so she wasn't quite sure why she was up.

then, she felt the hand in her hair, running through the strands gently. she sighed into it, tucking her face farther into his chest to block out the light.

she could feel his chuckle more than hear it.

"good morning." he said, his voice gravely with sleep.

"what time is it?" she said, her voice muffled into his shirt. he was still running his hand through her hair, and it was lulling her back to sleep quite nicely.

"um, 8 a.m." awsten answered, checking his phone to confirm that. margot groaned in response. "too early for you?" she nodded, rubbing at her eyes.

"i didn't mean to fall asleep last night. and now my back is probably fucked from sleeping on your couch." she said, sitting up slightly so she could see his face better.

awsten smiled up her, "you just looked too comfortable, i didn't want to wake you up, and then i was asleep too, so i really couldn't do anything about it."

"now that i've been woken up at such a terrible hour, you gonna make me breakfast?" she teased.

"i guess that's fair..." he sighed dramatically, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it before standing up. "you're gonna help me out though." he held out his hands to her so he could pull her up and take her to the kitchen with him.

margot went willingly, letting him lead her into the kitchen. he started pulling out ingredients and she hopped up on the counter. he looked back at her and laughed when he saw what she was doing.

"what? i'm helping by being eye candy." she defended, swinging her feet back and forth.

"right." he replied, but didn't protest. girlfriend privileges were amazing. he got to work making what looked like french toast but she was too busy looking at him instead.

his hair was pretty grown out, the green slightly faded. he was still in the same outfit as yesterday, but he still looked amazing. she distracted herself for long enough that he was done cooking before she realized, holding a plate out in front of her.

she was right with it being french toast, and it looked delicious, covered in powdered sugar and syrup.

she ate there on the counter and awsten ate next to her, standing up to eat. it was pretty quiet, as they were both still tired and the food was too good to talk through.

when they were done, she helped him do the dishes so she could at least say that she'd done something to help. he told her that she didn't have to help, but she insisted. it was the least she could do.

after breakfast, awsten gave her one of his shirts so that she had something different to wear. she put it on in his bathroom, and used the same toothbrush she'd used every time she'd been here. she was a little surprised it was still there, given their little... break, but it was nice to be able to freshen up a bit. she splashed some water on her face as well and ran her fingers through her hair so she didn't look like a total mess.

when she came out, awsten had changed as well, and still looked infuriatingly good.

he walked up to her, sliding his arms around her waist, "hi, princess." he seemed to realize what he'd said and he opened his mouth, probably to apologize, but she cut him off.

"hi." that was all she said, placing her hands on his arms.

he sighed in relief that she wasn't angry at him for using a pet name with her and tugged her a bit closer.

"i really like when you wear my clothes." he admitted, his eyes roaming over her. margot felt her face go pink.

"i like wearing your clothes." she shot back. she did, really. it was nice to have some sort of sign that she was his. not in a weird possessive way, but still.

one of his hands came up to cup her face, his thumb stroking her cheek, "can i kiss you?" he asked, his voice quiet. she nodded, but it still took a second for him to do anything, so she wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him down to meet her.

the second their lips touched, her body relaxed into his. she finally realized how much she missed this, and was incredibly happy to have it back. she sighed into the kiss, trying not to smile.

the kiss was soft and slow, and careful on awsten's part. basically, it was perfect. she could tell he was aware of the fact that the lapse in their relationship was finally over.

awsten pulled back, a blinding smile on his face.

"yeah?" he said and she nodded in response. he didn't ask a question out loud, but she knew what he meant. he hugged her tightly, picking her up and spinning her around slightly before setting her down and kissing her again, still soft but a bit messy from both of them smiling into it.

things were finally starting to fall back into place with them and margot couldn't be happier.

they kissed again! it's been like five chapters since the last time sorry about that

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now