☆ hangouts ☆

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margot and awsten texted back and forth as the days passed. it was so easy for her to talk to him, which was rare nowadays. he told her stories about his friends and their antics, about tour, and about plans he had for new music.

in response, margot told him about all the weird customers they got at the shop, new events they were planning, and stories about olive's dramatics.

he was really starting to become one of her closest friends, despite her only actually liking him for two months at this point. not that she had many friends to begin with...

margot had a rare day off, because despite hiring a bunch of high schoolers that had just recently gotten out of school for the summer, they called out of work at an insane rate. she was currently still in bed, even thought it was already late morning.

awsten, who was somehow a morning person, had woken her up by texting her about his day. he was already well into his day by the time margot had woken up.

they were currently in deep discussion about orange juice, which she'd found he felt very, very strongly about. margot really didn't care that much, but it was fun to make up things to piss him off. she was in the middle of telling him that she put orange juice into her cereal.

you are a MONSTER.

it adds so much flavor though

there's something so wrong with you

it's so yummy

... you're fucking with me aren't you.


you suck



you doing anything today?

was planning on rotting all day

maybe watch the office

the world is my oyster

truly. you wanna come over?

i happen to have a tv capable of playing the office, and couch perfect to rot on

omg you're inviting me to your apartment?

you sure know how to make a girl feel special

nevermind, stay home

awe, but we were gonna watch the office together :(

...fine, you can come


awsten sent her his address in response and said to come whenever, so she let him know she was still in bed and needed to actually get ready first. she was playing it cool, but she was freaking out.

margot hadn't been invited to a boy's house since high school, when she still had to sneak out and go in the middle of the night. it made her feel a bit like a teenager again.

she showered quickly, doing everything as fast as possible to make sure she didn't waste too much time. once she got out, she blow-dried her hair and put on a little makeup, just some mascara and a little bit of blush.

for her outfit, she just decided on something simple, some cute shorts that were still comfortable to lounge in and an old band tee. she threw on her birkenstocks and a pair of sunglasses and texted awsten that she was on her way.

to her surprise, they didn't live too far away from each other, maybe twenty minutes. she passed the drive by putting on some of awsten's old music. she was starting to feel bad that she had really only listened to what olive had shown her and what she'd heard on the day of the in-store.

she had to admit, whatever she thought before, his music was really good. and his voice was beautiful. not that she'd ever tell him that.

soon, margot was pulling up to his apartment complex. it was pretty nice, definitely much nicer than her own apartment complex was. she parked, and then had to wander a bit to find his actual apartment. she knocked and didn't have to wait long for awsten to open the door.

he swung open the door, greeting her almost immediately. he was in a similar outfit to hers, but his band tee was one of his own. she recognized the song on the shirt as one of the ones she'd listened to on the way there.

"hey! come in." awsten said, stepping aside to let her in. his apartment was really nice and had a lot of decorations that definitely belonged to awsten. she slid her shoes off at the door, next to the pile of awsten's shoes.

"you want a drink or anything?" he asked, disappearing into the kitchen. she followed him, standing against one of the counters.

"a water?" she said, and he chucked her a bottle from the fridge. "wow, plastic? way to kill the planet." she joked. he rolled his eyes at her, pulling out his own bottle. he lead her into his living room, directing her to sit on the couch.

she sat, immediately sinking into the cushion. "holy shit, this is the nicest couch i've ever seen." awsten laughed at her, throwing a blanket on her and sitting down.

"thank you, thank you, glad to know i know how to pick out furniture." he said, settling down on the couch next to her. he wasn't too close to her but he also didn't sit all the way on the other side of the couch, either. she wished he was sitting a bit closer, but didn't want to make him uncomfortable by scooting closer.

he turned on his tv, navigating to the streaming service it was on. she wasn't surprised to see that he'd watched all the episodes before. they'd talked about their favorite shows before, and bonded over the office being their favorite.

awsten let her pick an episode to watch, so she went for the beginning of season four, which was by far the best one.

they watched a good chunk of the season, laughing at the parts they'd seen so many times before, and telling each other about their first times watching the scene that was playing.

when they'd been watching well into the afternoon, margot felt herself getting tired. she tried to fight it, because she wanted to spend time with awsten and she definitely didn't want to fall asleep on his couch, but she couldn't fight it. she was asleep within minutes of the next episode started.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now