☆ shopping ☆

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olive woke margot up bright and early the next morning. despite the mall not opening for at least another hour, olive said she knew margot would've slept until the last possibly minute if she let her, which was entirely fair.

olive finally left her alone after making sure she was out of bed and wasn't just going to fall back asleep. margot dragged herself into the shower, doing her whole routine.

she decided to actually look nice today, so she did her full face of makeup rather than her usual mascara and blush. she also put on some cute jean shorts and a cropped tank top, considering the heat.

lastly, she threw on her converse. she finally exited her room, finding olive waiting for her on the couch.

"finally. dude, you take forever to get ready." she fake-complained.

"it's not my fault. pretty takes time." margot replied, flicking her hair. olive rolled her eyes at her, but got off the couch. she grabbed her keys and herded margot out the door.

"hurry up, we still have time to get coffee if you get in the car right now." olive said.

"what's the rush?" margot complained, climbing into olive's car. "we literally have all day to this."

olive glared at her as she set up the music, "some people like having time to do things." margot shrugged. it wasn't her fault she was chronically almost late everywhere. okay, well, it was. but whatever.

they pulled out of the parking lot as the first song started playing. of course, it was an awsten song. margot gave olive an unimpressed look.

"what? he makes good music! and i've heard you listening to him. you aren't very subtle, you know." margot sighed. "don't sigh at me. i'm like ninety percent sure you're, like, in love with him or something."

margot swatted at her, "shut up! i am not... in love... with him!"

"hey! don't hit the driver! do you want to die?" olive paused, "wait, don't answer that." margot snorted. "besides, all you do it text him and talk about him. and, well, you know, the whole couch incident?" margot hit her again one more time for good measure.

"don't you dare bring that up." margot hissed. olive laughed in response. they finally reached the coffee shop so the conversation ended for a minute.

they ordered and then headed towards the mall once they got their drinks. they found parking pretty easily, considering the mall had just opened.

olive dragged her to a dress store first, despite margot telling her it was going to be a relatively casual party. her excuse was that she never knew when she would need a cute dress. margot couldn't argue with that.

the first dress margot tried on was pretty simple, just a white floral design with tie-up spaghetti straps. olive approved, her own pretty similar, but solid green and tight.

they each tried on a few more dresses and decided on the first ones they'd tried on and another slightly fancier one. margot's was a ruffled dress with glitter on it while olive's was silk and baby pink.

after that, olive wasn't satisfied. next, she dragged margot into another store, this one full of tops and skirts rather than dresses.

olive picked out a bunch of shirts for margot, who usually spent most of her time in band tees or hoodies. she quickly peeked at the stack, immediately knowing most of the tops were way out of her comfort zone. she avoided showing her chest off as much as possible, but hey, it was a party, so she trusted olive.

olive didn't try on anything because she wanted to see all the tops on margot first.

the first one she tried on was a corset top, with the straps tied into bows. it was cute, but it didn't quite fit her right. the next few were also not great, either just not fitting right or not the vibe they were going for.

the last one she tried on, however, was it. it was a halter top that fit her chest nicely, and pushed up the girls. the material was glittery and silver, and it was cropped, showing off a good majority of her midriff.

olive cheered when she walked out, immediately agreeing that she had to buy that one. margot smiled and changed back into her own shirt.

after margot was done, olive took her own turn trying on tops. olive went through way more than margot did, because she was an incredibly indecisive person. a lot of them were too similar to shirts she already had or just didn't fit right.

the top she finally decided on was an almost sheer black long sleeve that tied in the front. she would have to wear a black bra underneath, but it was perfect and fit olive's style perfectly.

by the time they'd finished at that store, margot's stomach was growling. apparently, they'd spent way more time trying on things than margot thought, because it was already lunch time.

they stopped at the food court and ate lunch, talking about their plans for the rest of the day.

"i think we don't need to go shoe shopping, we have plenty of shoes in our house." olive complained. it was true, both of them had huge collections.

"so just bottoms left then?" margot said. olive nodded her head in agreement.

their last stop was a shop that had cute shorts and skirts. olive immediately found a pair of jeans, covered in rhinestones. she tried them on and decided on them immediately.

margot, on the other hand, took a while to browse. a lot of it was cute, but it didn't go with the top. finally, she decided on a cute leather skirt that was pleated.

olive was happy with it as well, "if that outfit doesn't get you laid, i'll be very disappointed in you." she declared.

"dude, lower your voice!" margot cried. they were still in the middle of the store after all. "and disappointed in me?"

"well, obviously. it clearly won't be the outfits problem." olive said. margot scowled at her.

they left after purchasing their pants, heading home immediately.

"i'm so taking a nap when we get back." margot said, leaning back against her car seat.

"no! you can't nap, you need to try on the full outfit to get the effect, obviously. you need to pick shoes as well." olive demanded. margot groaned, but she knew she needed to do it now rather than the day of so she wouldn't freak out.

they got home and olive pushed her straight into her room to put on the clothes. she decided on her docs, as they dressed down the outfit a bit without ruining it.

she stepped out to olive's catcalls, rolling her eyes. at olive's insistence, she did a twirl.

"god damn, my best friend is hot." olive said.

"you know, comments like that are the reason people thought we were dating in high school, you know that right?" margot said.

"who said we weren't dating?" olive replied.

"me, obviously." margot laughed and olive's dad frown and headed back into her room to change.

this party was hopefully going to go very well.

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