☆ netflix and chill ☆

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margot got out of work the next day with a metaphorical skip in her step. awsten and her had decided that she'd go over an hour after she got off work.

this gave her time to go home a freshen up a bit after working all morning. she'd showered in the morning, so that was taken care of (and if she'd shaved everything, well that was her business).

she basically broke the speed limit the entire way home, making sure she had enough time to look her best.

margot ran a brush through her hair and put more perfume on. she also brushed her teeth quickly, because if awsten had kissed her in her work parking lot, she figured he would do more than that in his own home.

she changed her clothes too, picking out a comfy but cute outfit. she grabbed a hoodie to pull over the tiny tank top she put on just in case his apartment was freezing, and put on a pair of converse.

by the time she got into the car, her heart rate had definitely spiked. she had been to his apartment before, but this was under completely different context.

margot texted awsten, letting him know she was on her way and started driving.

it didn't take her too long to get there, listening to awsten's music as a distraction, which maybe wasn't the best idea.

she pulled up to his apartment, and sent him a text saying she'd arrived. she could see him green hair waiting in the doorway before she could see the rest of him. she was honestly convinced that if he was put under uv lights he would glow.

awsten smiled down at her as she approached and pulled her inside. the second the door was shut, his mouth was on hers, softly and only for a couple seconds.

margot took a deep breath, trying to collect herself. if he kept surprise kissing her like that, she thought that she might actually die.

"well, hello to you too." margot said, stepping back slightly.

"sorry, just couldn't help myself, you're just so beautiful." awsten said without a hint of shame. "i'm glad you came over."

he led her into the living room, telling her to get comfortable on the couch. she did so gladly.

he disappeared into his kitchen, coming back with a bowl of popcorn and a couple of drinks for them.

"i have literally every single streaming service available, so we can watch pretty much anything," awsten said, joining her on the couch, "i'll let you pick, since i'm such a gentleman." he joked.

she giggled and thought about it. "do you like scary movies?" she asked him. he nodded his head in response. she quickly found the movie she was looking for, having watched it a million times with olive.

"scream?" awsten asked, "good choice." she smiled to herself, glad that he didn't hate her selection. as the movie queued up, he slung his arm around her shoulders, tugging her in to lean against him.

as the movie started, they were quiet, but not for long. it turned out that they were both movie talkers, which was good. margot didn't know if she could hold back from talking. olive hated it, but it was habit.

they talked about the characters and how iconic the movie franchise had been so far. they also did the classic '"no, don't go in there!" even though the movie characters can't hear you' type shit.

it was honestly really fun for margot. she thought it would be really awkward watching a movie with a guy, because based on all of her past experiences, it had been. especially when they did the stare down at the side of your face until you turned and they kissed you. not that margot would mind if awsten kissed her again, but it was the prinicpal of the thing.

it was rare that she wasn't mildly uncomfortable on a date, and even though neither of them had outright said it was a date, she was privately thinking it was in her head.

though, she hoped that when awsten officially asked her on a date (if he was even interested in her like that, a dark thought muttered in her brain), she wanted it to be a bit fancier than watching a movie in his apartment.

they were pressed together all the way down the sides of their bodies, and she could feel it every time he laughed or spoke.

it seemed like the movie flew by, because of their conversation flowing so easily. awsten offered to play the next one, and she agreed.

before they started the next one, awsten ordered them pizza for dinner. while they waited for the pizza to arrive, he started the second movie.

they carried out the same routine as the first movie, only interrupted by the pizza arriving.

awsten grabbed paper plates and they ate right there on the couch. it was fucking good pizza.

they finally turned back to paying attention to the movie after finishing their food and cleaning up. margot had only seen the second movie a couple times, which was enough to get her confused when she started paying attention again.

figuring it was a lost cause, she focused on awsten instead. but to her surprise, he was already looking at her.

"what?" she asked, "do i have sauce on my face or something." she went to wipe at her mouth.

"no, no, you're good." he said softly, "you're just so pretty."

her face lit up immediately. she cursed her easy blushes. it was so easy for people to tell when she was flustered.

"stop that." she said, waving her hand dismissively. he caught it in his own to stop her.

"i'm serious! you're one of the most beautiful people i've ever seen."

"well, you're quiet handsome yourself." she said honestly. she'd thought it privately for a very long time, but she figured he could stand to hear it.

"why thank you." awsten said. "can i kiss you again?" something in her thrummed at how polite he was.

"of course." she got out before he caught her in a passionate kiss. it wasn't near the level of the party but she could still feel the heat all the same.

they shifted, awsten tugging her onto his lap. once she was comfortable, he pulled her into another kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth. she was willing to let him do anything at this point.

he slipped a hand under her shirt, stroking his thumb along her hip bone. she shuddered in response.

"s'that okay?" he asked, pulling back slightly.

"yes," she panted. he kissed her harder this time, pulling her even closer.

fuck, this was heating up much quicker than she expected, she thought to herself before awsten apparently realized the same thing.

he spoke, "can we take this into my room? you can say no, obviously." he cupped her cheek with the hand not on her hip.

"please." she said, and he lifted her up with him when he stood, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist.

and then he carried her into his room.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now