☆ signed ☆

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by the time margot got back to work, she was itching to be doing something. she was definitely not made to just sit around and not do anything all day.

plus, olive was constantly following her around, asking when she planned for awsten to sign her cd.

awsten had kept his word and they'd been texting back and forth every once in a while. she hated to admit that she had started checking her phone eagerly every time it buzzed. she figured it was just the fact that this was a new friendship and she was just excited about it. she knew that she was definitely lying to herself though.

they'd just decided to have awsten come in the first day she started back at work, because she'd told awsten about how much olive was bugging her.

so that day back, she'd driven in olive with her, because she had a pretty short shift in the first place, so olive wouldn't get too bored going through all of the stock in the store. they'd gotten plenty of new things in since the last time she'd actually gone in, anyways.

the first bit of her shift went by slowly, dragging with a lack of customers considering it was the middle of the week and the middle of the day.

her phone buzzed about 30 minutes into her shift and she slid it under the counter to check.

on my way :)

hurry up, i think olive might break something if she's left alone much longer

we wouldn't want that, now would we

no, no we wouldn't :(

alright alright, i'll speed

okay well don't die

no promises!

after that, he stopped replying, so she figured he was actually driving now, and paying attention to the road. that or he'd died. she preferred to think it was the first option.

she didn't tell olive he was on his way, because she didn't need her freaking out before there was any need to.

when awsten finally arrived, olive had wandered her way up to the counter and was messing around with the things they had for sale up there, like guitar picks and small things like that. so obviously, she wasn't paying attention to the door. but margot was.

as usual, she could see his hair before she could see the rest of him. he kind of reminded her of the green on a stoplight. he was in a tshirt and jeans, something casual for the nice weather. she let herself stare at his arms for a minute before actually doing anything. sue her, he had fucking nice arms.

she tapped olive on the shoulder, who spun around, choked on a gasp, and then spun back around, stage whispering, "oh my god i think i'm going to pass out." margot laughed.

"don't be weird, say hi." margot urged her. awsten had made his way to the counter right as she said that, and was holding back a laugh.

"h-hey, you're awsten knight." olive managed to say.

"yes, yes i am. you're olive, yeah?" awsten replied. margot watched her face get redder and redder.

"um, yeah. it's so nice to meet you. i'm a really big fan." olive said excitedly.

"well, thank you! i assume you liked the new album?" awsten said, easily starting a conversation with her. margot watched them happily, happy to just watch them talk instead of join in. this was for olive, anyways.

"oh my god, yeah. i'd wanted to go to your in-store here, but i had work. i don't think margot knew i was wanting to go, but. anyways, high definition? that song ruined my life, i think." olive said.

"it ruined your life?" awsten giggled.

"well yeah, it was so damn sad and relatable. i'm pretty sure i cried the first fifty times i listened to it." olive admitted, laughing.

"was that your favorite or just the one that made you cry the most?" awsten asked. he seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say, and if he acted like this with all of his fans, she got why they were so obsessed with him. and this was her first time really seeing him interact up close, considering at the in-store she was always off to the side.

"no, my favorite was telephone. i just love a good upbeat song, despite also really liking the ones that make me cry." they continued their conversation for a while longer, both of them easily finding things to talk about while margot just sat and watched them.

this was much better than just sitting there without any customers to help pass the time. finally, they reached a natural time for awsten to mention the signing.

"so, margot told me you really wanted a signed cd?" awsten said.

olive chuckled, nodding. she opened her totebag and grabbed her copy out of the bag. it was definitely beat up a bit, which margot took to mean that olive had had it on repeat like she said.

margot passed them a sharpie from behind the counter, because for some reason they just had a huge collection of random pens and markers there.

awsten signed it, leaving her a cute little message along with his signature.

"thank you so much. this is probably the best day of my life." olive said. awsten smiled back at her.

"well, i'm glad i could be part of the best day of your life." he laughed. after that, he left, telling them he had some stuff to get done. they waved goodbye, margot getting a bit of a longer goodbye from him, which, of course, made her blush.

"dude, you actually know awsten knight. i knew you weren't lying, but. you weren't lying." olive said, her mouth hanging open.

"why the hell would i lie?" margot said, confused.

"i don't know! who just knows people like that?" olive threw her hands up. "i think you're too cool now." olive said, shaking her head in fake sadness.

"whatever. you're just lucky i actually brought it up to him." margot said. olive shoved her over the counter in response.

"how much do you think i could get for this on ebay?" olive said, before cracking up at the scandalized look on margot's face. "kidding! i'm kidding."

margot shook her head, considering kicking her out of the store.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now