☆ the day of ☆

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by the time it had reached the day of the party, margot was freaking out. given any time to reflect on things, she would work herself up into a panic.

olive had work that morning, so she was spam texting her throughout her entire shift to get some reassurance.

what if all of his friends hate me?

they aren't going to hate you

how do you know?

because you're a perfectly
nice person

well what if they hate my outfit?

margot, i really don't think
anyone is going to care

how do you know!?!

they could all secretly
judge me behind my back!

babe, i'm sure they aren't
those kind of people

do you think awsten
would hang around those

i don't know!

what if awsten hates my outfit

what if awsten hates me?

what if this is an elaborate
scheme to make fun of me??

oh my god

you need to calm down.

take a walk

or a shot.

you're right, sorry

a few minutes passed before she texted again.

what if there was no
party in the first place?


sorry :(

she put her phone down, deciding to take a walk. she had plenty of time before olive even got home and she was planning on showering before the party anyways.

she threw on some biker shorts and a loose tanktop and did a couple loops around her apartment complex. they had a walking path around it, which was perfect because she didn't want to get too far from the apartment to make sure she didn't lose track of time.

the walk did help, but honestly, she was still most likely gonna take the shot too. she'd just call it pregaming. she didn't really drink all that often, so that shot would probably be good enough for the whole night, besides maybe a drink at the party itself.

she finished her walk as olive was pulling in, so she met her in the parking lot and they walked back to the apartment together. it was still pretty early in the day, so they both had plenty of time to get ready.

margot hopped into the shower immediately, washing away the sweat she'd accumulated on her walk.

she did an everything shower, exfoliating and shaving so she wouldn't just look her best but also feel her best.

she got out, immediately blow drying her hair so that she wouldn't have to worry about it later.

before she started any other part of the getting ready process, she ordered food for both her and olive to make sure they both ate something. olive was a bit of a party girl, so she wanted to make sure she had something in her before she started drinking.

they ate dinner together, chatting about transom stuff. olive was probably avoiding the topic to make sure she didn't set off another round of panic from margot. smart move.

before they parted to get ready in their respective rooms, they went to the kitchen to take a shot for good luck.

"alright, a toast!" olive declared, pouring full shots into each of their matching shot glasses. they were cheesy ones that they'd gotten from a tourist shop nearby, that was shaped like boobs and said 'i <3 LA'.

"what are we toasting for today, olive?" margot said, drumming on the counter for dramatic effect.

"to you getting laid!" olive cried, holding her glass up to clink.

"i'm not toasting to that." margot shook her head.

"ugh, you're no fun. fine, to me getting laid!" olive switched it up.

"yeah, alright, i'll toast to that." margot agreed. they clinked their glasses and took the shot. margot gagged a bit, but managed to keep it down. olive, of course, took it like the pro she was.

they decided it was probably time to start getting ready at that point, so margot disappeared back into her room.

obviously, she couldn't get ready without music. so she shuffled all of awsten's discography. she was finally at a point where she knew a good chunk of the words to the songs she'd heard a lot. she connected her phone to her speaker so she could still hear it when she went into her bathroom.

she did her makeup first, doing her full face. she kept the eye makeup simple, doing some eyeliner and putting silver highlighter in the corner of her eye that matched her top. she added lip gloss instead of a lipstick.

next, she curled her hair, running her hands through it to leave auburn waves. she hair sprayed it heavily to makeup sure it didn't look bad by the time they'd actually gotten to the party.

finally, she put on her outfit. she was still obsessed with it, which was a good sign. with her hair and makeup done it looked even better.

she slid her docs on and laced them up, finally ready. obviously, she had to take pics first. she took a bunch in her mirror before wandering out to see if olive would take some of her against the one wall in their apartment they'd decorated to take pictures against.

luckily, olive was done getting ready herself, having straightened her blue hair and tying a small braid on each side of her head. she'd gone for her bra with the least amount of fabric possible for under her top, and she looked amazing.

it was possible her toast would come true.

olive gladly took pics of her and margot approved them, planning on posting them tomorrow on her instagram. she'd been kind of neglecting it recently.

she took some of olive as well, their neon sign in the back.

olive looked at the time finally, realizing they should probably leave soon. the party started at nine, and they didn't want to show up right on time, but it was a twenty minute drive and it was already 9:10.

they gathered all their stuff and got into the uber they were taking just in case they decided to drink. as soon as they got into the car, margot's nerves returned.

she sent a text to awsten letting them know they were on the way, but had to put her phone away so she didn't freak out further.

she hoped the night went well.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now