☆ first dates ☆

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... heyyyyy. it's been a minute, sorry about that! i impulsively drove 1000 miles roundtrip to go to the madison parx show and then was recovering. enjoy!

at the beginning of the week, margot had received a text from awsten, explaining when their date would be.

saturday, i'll pick
you up at 7.

do i get to know
where we're going?

absolutely not!

booooo !

don't boo me

i'm trying to wine
and dine you :(

so it's dinner...

no! all you need
to know is that
you should wear
something nice but
not black tie

sir yes sir!

i'll see you saturday,

see you saturday :)

of course, this led to her tearing apart her closet to find something suitable to wear. she assumed it was going to be a dinner of some sort, so she went straight to her dresses. she was extremely glad she had a lot of options to choose from, and olive was more than willing to play fashion show with her until they had found the perfect one.

"no, that one's too booby, try something else." olive said.

"i can't help that i have boobs, olive. most of these are going to be "too booby"." margot put the last part in air quotes while trying to wrestle the dress off her body.

margot was about to step into another one when olive immediately stopped her.

"no, you can't wear that one, it's got that slit that goes too far up your leg." margot took a closer look.

"fuck, you're right, what would i do without you?" she teased, tossing the dress into the discard pile. "i'm quickly running out of options here. what if i don't find a dress? i really don't want to go buy one." margot complained, flopping face first onto her bed.

"stop that, you've still got, like, four options to try on." olive picked through the pile absentmindedly. "wait! where's the one that we got when we went shopping for awsten's party?"

"the glitter one?" margot asked, lifting her head slightly to talk without it muffling.

"no, no that one's too much. the first one? it was white with those purple flowers on it?" olive said while disappearing into her closet.

"oh, it might still be in the bag, i haven't had an excuse to wear it yet, so..." margot trailed off.

olive made a noise of success, bursting out of her closet. in her hands was a dress bag. "found it! and now you do!" she pushed it into margot's hands. "come on, try it on."

margot undid the bag, quickly sliding the dress on. she went to stand in front of her mirror to get the full picture. she hated to give olive credit, but the dress was perfect.

it was covered in tiny purple flowers, had tie up sleeves that went into little bows, and the top resembled a corset with how it was structured. it hit her knees and barely showed any cleavage, so it was appropriate for whatever awsten had in mind for them.

olive squealed, spinning her around, "oh my god, you look perfect. oh he's going to pass out when he sees you."

margot smiled, running her hands over the fabric. not that she was hoping he'd pass out, but she figured it was good enough to get some
sort of reaction from him.

"okay! now shoe time." olive clapped.

margot groaned. this would take forever.

saturday came all too slowly. margot spent the week anxiously looking at the time as if she could will it faster and spent most of her breaks at working texting awsten excitedly but then going to olive panicking that something would go wrong.

luckily, she didn't work, so she had all day to get ready. she did an everything shower in the morning, shaving and exfoliating. she decided to let her hair air dry, and then curl it later.

she had plenty of time to do her makeup, so she did a full face, adding a bit of purple eyeshadow to match to her dress. she was glad that she could pull the dress up and didn't need to slide it over her head so that she didn't fuck up her hair and makeup.

because she was a bit self-destructive, she queued awsten's music while she got ready. she hummed along, finally knowing more words than not.

it actually helped pass the time, so she was almost rushing to curl her hair when she realized she only had an hour left. luckily, it only took her about 45 minutes to curl her hair, but she still had to put on jewelry and hair accessories and put her shoes on.

she managed it somehow, adding two little bows into her hair to tie into the ones on the straps. she slid on her usual rings and her heart clasp necklace and found the shoes olive had picked for her.

they were a simple low heel and were the same
color as her dress. she grabbed a small handbag, throwing in the lipgloss she used and anything she thought she might need.

margot managed this all just in time for the doorbell to ring. she ran as fast as she could in her shoes but olive beat her to it.

she stayed tucked around the counter, so she could hear what olive was saying but couldn't see awsten yet.

"what are your intentions with my roommate?" olive demanded.

"to take her out on a date, and hopefully have a really good night?" awsten answered, a bit taken off guard by the question immediately after having knocked.

"hmm. good enough. but i'll be watching you." she fake-threaded. or, at least, margot hoped she wasn't being serious.

margot took that as her queue to push olive out of the way. "enough of that. go away." she shooed her off. she finally looked up at the doorway to already have awsten's eyes on her. he, as usual, was stunning. he was in a black button down, and some slightly nicer pants than the jeans he was always wearing.

"god, margot. you look beautiful. i'm so lucky to be taking you out tonight." she followed his eyes as they ran down her body and back up slowly, catching her eyes.

"i could say the same about you." she said, trying to hide how flustered she was. awsten held out his arm to her.

"shall we?" he said. she giggled, taking his arm and letting him walk her out.

"lead the way."

when they got to the car, awsten made sure to hold the door open. they got into the car and awsten started it. after they pulled out, awsten's hand found her thigh, not doing anything ungentlemanly, just resting there.

"so, can i know where we're going now?" she asked, turning to look at him, but quickly deciding that was a bad idea. unfortunately, he was hot even while driving.

"well, no. if you didn't have eye makeup on, i'd blindfold you." he teased.

"kinky." she snorted.

"shhh."'awsten said, and they fell into comfortable chatter for the ride

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now