☆ date day ☆

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sooooo.... after this, all that's left is the last chapter and the epilogue(s)....

the next day, margot and awsten swung by her apartment so she could change and get ready for the day, and then decided to spend the whole day together.

they went to get coffee first, because margot begged him (and he wasn't going to say no, obviously).

once she got her iced coffee and felt slightly more human, they sat in awsten's car and decided what to do that day.

"you wanna go thrifting?" margot asked, sitting sideways in her seat to look at him. she was slightly hungover, because she wasn't quite used to drinking, and she hoped that he wouldn't suggest anything more productive than that.

"sounds good. do you have any places you go to normally?" he asked, opening his phone to pull up apple maps.

"no, i just go wherever olive wants to go. let's go to your regular places." she replied.

the first place wasn't too far, but margot still managed to finish her coffee before they even got there. she'd never been to this thrift store, but it was nice. the store itself was huge, and it was clearly one of those trendy ones, because there was a bunch of teenage girls there.

margot wasn't sure how awsten thrifted, but she was the type to go through every single rack and look at every single piece that was in her size.

awsten went straight to the men's section, which was surprisingly full for the type of thrift store it was, but it was clear why awsten frequented there. she beelined to the dresses first, because she always found something there.

she browsed for a while, finding a couple dresses before moving onto to the t-shirts. she was in need of some graphic tees, so she hoped she could find some good options.

after, like, twenty minutes in the store, she got bored. she was about to go find awsten when he rounded the corner.

"i have a fantastic idea." awsten started.


"can we try and find the stupidest outfits for each other?" he asked.

"oh my god. absolutely." she laughed. "we should set a time limit, like 10 minutes."

"okay, perfect. time starts now!" awsten declared, and margot took off to the men's section. it didn't take her long to find an absolutely ridiculous button up shirt, with a giant frog splashed across it. the pants took longer, but she decided on khaki shorts to really make it dad-core.

she paired it with a trucker hat with some company's logo across it in sparkly font and called it good right before the time went off.

they met back up by the fitting rooms and traded outfits. margot did her best not to look at hers while she was trying it on, just to get the full effect when it was completely on. she finally got it all on and turned to the mirror.

she immediately burst into laughter when she fully looked at it.

it was clearly a homemade creation that some kid had made that she wasn't quite sure how the store even thought it was a good idea to take in. she guessed it was kind of close to halloween, only a month and a half away, but still.

it was a duct tape dress, made with many, many, many different types of duct tape. she was pretty sure some of it was the limited edition one direction duct tape from 2012.

she exited the fitting room and awsten was already waiting, looking ridiculous in his fit.

"if i get lice from this hat, i'm blaming you." he said, crossing his arms to look intimidating, but she just started giggling. "yeah, yeah, laugh it up. i'll make sure i give you lice too."

she shuddered, grossed out by that, "anyways. we have to get a picture of us like this, i need to frame it and hang it on my wall."

they stopped some unassuming mother and made her take a picture of them, awsten pulling her into his side to make sure they were both fully in it.

after they got that taken care of, they changed, bought what they had managed to find before they both got bored, and then headed back to margot's apartment to hang out.

on the car ride there, she managed to convince him to do face masks with her. he didn't know it yet but she was going to get paint on his nails too even if she had to hold him down.

it was already into the afternoon, because they didn't get out of bed until late, so it was the perfect time to start self-care.

as soon as they got in, they changed into comfier clothing, awsten having left some clothes behind at some point. she sat him on the couch and disappeared into her bathroom to grab the supplies. she grabbed some elastics to tie her hair back as well as two face masks and her glitter nail polish.

margot decided to make awsten put his face mask on first, so she could help him without worrying about hers first.

"wait, it's going to get into my hair!" he huffed, leaning back. it was getting kind of long, covering his entire forehead in a justin bieber-esque haircut.

"okay? i can tie it up for you. you're not getting out of this." she said.

he sighed, but let her tie it up in two little pig tails. it wasn't long enough to do one ponytail, so he couldn't complain about it. she tied her own hair back, and then started applying the mask to his face.

he flinched at how cold it was but let her put it on completely. once that was done, she did her own quickly.

"okay, now that you can't move. let me paint your nails?" she asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

"you did this on purpose, didn't you?" he asked, staring at her.

"...maybe? that wasn't a no though!" she cheered.

"yeah, go for it, only if i can paint yours after."

"well, yes!" she tugged his hand towards her, resting it on her leg so she could reach it easier. she opened the bottle and made quick work of painting the glitter onto his nails. she had to admit, he was kinda hot when he was wearing nail polish.

it didn't take her very long, because she was used to painting olive's nails for her and was pretty damn good at it.

"okay, now do not move your hands or touch anything for at least five minutes. if you get nail polish on my couch, i'll kick you out with that face mask still on." she threatened.

he surprisingly listened, and when the five minutes were up, he started his attempt at painting hers.

he wasn't.... terrible... at it, but he was definitely shaky with it. there was definitely nail polish all around her nail, but the nail itself looked pretty even.

she could always go back and clean it up later.

"aww, look! we match!" she smiled at awsten, wiggling her fingers at him. he caught one of her hands and pressed a kiss to it before releasing it.

"we're so hashtag goals. can i wash this shit off now?"

she laughed but got off the couch, "yeah, come on." she led him into her bathroom and wet a washcloth to get their face masks off. she wiped his off first and then her own, doing her skincare after. then she grabbed the acetone to fix up her nails.

"what, they weren't good enough for you? you hated what i did?" awsten said, pouting at her in the mirror.

"mhm." she said, finishing up. "stop that." she placed both hands on his face and dragged him down so she could plant a kiss on his lips.

"you wanna order food and watch something?" she said as they went back into the living room. he agreed, and they ordered dinner and got settled in for the night.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now