☆ target ☆

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that night, after margot had explained everything to olive, they went to target and fucked around for a bit. they spent a while looking at clothes, then the books, and then to the place they always ended up at: the records.

both her and olive were huge music fans, which was one of the reasons they were so close, so they loved looking at the vinyl collection target had, despite the fact that they went to target once a week at minimum and the collection didn't change much in that time unless there was a new release.

margot spent a bit of time admiring the new 5sos cds and vinyls, debating buying the target edition despite owning the signed version. olive was goading her on.

"come on, buy it, it's slightly different. you're gonna regret not getting it. i think you should buy it." was all margot heard while trying not to laugh out loud in the middle of the busy store.

"okay, okay, fine! i'll buy it only if you buy something." olive pretended to think on it before holding out her hand.

"shake on it."

"you're ridiculous." margot said, but she shook on it anyways.

olive disappeared around the corner, apparently already having decided what she wanted to buy before making the deal with margot. margot thought she would go straight for one of the k-pop albums but she passed right by it.

olive poked her head around the corner, a shit-eating grin on her face.

"oh god. what did you pick up?" margot asked, trying to round the corner while olive held her back with one hand.

"close your eyes!" olive demanded.

margot did as she said, sighing obnoxiously. she held out her hands too, waiting for olive to put something stupid in her hands, like a kids-bop cd in her hand. olive placed a cd in her hands.

"okay, open your eyes!" margot took a second to prepare herself before opening them.

"olive i'm going to kill you." margot muttered. in her hands was fandom by awsten knight. if she wasn't in the middle of the store, she might have chucked it right at olive's head. and she had pretty good aim.

"after everything? all the trauma dumping i did? this is how you treat me?" margot cried, trying to shove the cd back into olive's hands. "you're so evil!"

olive was too busying trying to bat away margot's hands and cackling to respond. margot resorted to trying to put it back on the shelves without olive noticing, without much luck.

"you can't put it back! i have to buy it! that was the deal!" olive squeaked.

"i won't have this in my house! pick out something else, you monster." margot demanded, a second away from stomping her foot.

"i have pretty much everything else, i have a spending problem, you know this! plus i don't own this one yet, and unlike you, i actually enjoy his music."

"he's an asshole!"

"i mean, not to me! and he apologized, didn't he?"

"i shouldn't have told you that, you traitor. you're supposed to be on my side." margot complained as olive successfully wrestled the cd out of her hands and set it in the cart.

margot huffed, setting her vinyl in the cart far away from the cd. olive rolled her eyes at her antics, but pushed the cart away anyways. it was silent for a second before:

"do you think you could get him to sign it?"

"i'm going to run you over with the cart."

"okay, okay, fine! you're so mean to me." olive pouted, pulling out her puppy eyes, which shouldn't have worked, considering she was a good three inches taller than margot, but unfortunately it did.

"...fine, i'm sorry for threatening to run you over." margot sighed. "do we actually need to get anything here or are we just roaming?"

"i think we do actually need drinks. we're out of red bull, monster, and dr. pepper. i just fear that you might kill me in your sleep if you go a day without that." olive side-eyed her.

"i might. it's a real possibility!" margot giggled.

"oh shit, we also need to swing around ulta, i need more hair dye." olive remembered.

"didn't you just redye it?" margot said, looking at her fresh roots. "why do you need more already?"

"i ran out. i also just got paid so i need to buy it while i still have money. i refuse to have my roots showing, it always looks like i'm balding."

"i think you might just be balding." margot snickered, avoiding olive trying to slap at her by ducking into the aisle. olive followed, trying to hit her with the cart.

they picked up the stuff they actually needed, setting it in the cart amongst the random shit they'd picked up while in the store. once they were ready to get out, margot dragged the cart out of the aisle before spotting something.

"fuck, back up. get back in the aisle." margot whisper-shouted, pushing olive back and ducking around the side.

"what's your problem, dude? did you see an ex-boyfriend or something?" olive complained, trying to peak around margot.

"no, i saw... well.. i saw awsten."

at this, olive broke out into laughter. margot slammed her hand over her mouth, trying to get her to shut up.

"stop that! is he fucking stalking me or something?"

"oh my god, you're so dramatic. he's obviously just here for the same reasons as everyone else. doesn't he live around here or something, too?"

"how the fuck would i know that?"

"i don't know! are we just going to wait here until he leaves?" margot stayed silent. "okay, no, we're not doing this. he's probably not even around anymore. you're gonna be an adult and walk to the checkout."

olive basically had to force her out of the aisle, but to her relief, awsten wasn't there anymore. olive muttered that she'd probably imagined it, with how paranoid she was, but margot just slapped her arm to shut her up.

they made it to the checkout and out of the store without consequence.

"it's too late to make dinner now, you wanna get take-out?" olive asked, pulling out of the parking lot. margot agreed, so they got their food and sat in the parking lot to eat together.

"cheers to a crazy fucking day." margot said, holding her cup up. olive clinked her cup with hers, laughing.

margot hoped this was the last time she'd see awsten in public, knowing she couldn't avoid him at work if flynn was working with him. just great.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now