☆ party time ☆

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there were already a lot of cars around awsten's apartment complex, but not nearly as much as margot had feared would be there.

olive found a parking spot on the side street and they walked up the stairs together. margot had texted awsten letting him know that they'd arrived, but she figured he was probably too busy to answer them.

olive knocked for them, and she was delighted when awsten opened the door quickly.

margot could hear loud music before the door even opened so it was a shock that awsten was able to hear it.

"hey, i saw your text so i figured i'd meet y'all at the door." awsten said, smiling brightly. he seemed completely sober, which margot was a bit surprised at. but it also made her glad that she only had taken that one shot. she was pretty sure olive had taken at least one or two more after margot went to get ready.

"hey! thanks so much for inviting us." olive said, slipping around him when he opened the door wider to let them in.

"yeah, thanks, you really didn't have to." margot added. awsten just smiled at her.

"all my friends are here, why wouldn't you be?" he replied. before she could walk into the apartment, awsten pulled her into a hug. she stiffened in shock for a second but relaxed easily into his hold.

he had enough height on her that he could easily rest his head on hers, so he did. the hug didn't last too long, all things considered, but it was long enough that she could catch the scent of his cologne. damn, he smelled nice. it was honestly unfair how nice he smelled, and it made her wish the hug was long. that and the fact that she was so comfortable in his arms.

he paused for a second once they let go, his eyes roaming over her for a split second, "you look really good, margot." and led her in.

margot followed awsten into his apartment. it obviously still looked the same, but things were pushed out of the way to make room for the guests. and there was different lighting.

olive had already made herself at home, a solo cup in her hand. she was talking to someone she'd never seen before, but figured awsten would probably introduce her sometime during the night.

awsten lead her into the kitchen first, offering her a drink. she noticed he didn't grab one so she declined. she never liked drinking all that much in the first place so it wasn't a big loss.

while they were in the kitchen, a couple of awsten's friends came up to them.

"hey, otto. geoff." he nodded at them. "this is margot."

"oh, margot?" the one named geoff said, raising an eyebrow at awsten. he hit his arm in response. "ow! sorry, hey margot, i'm geoff."

"hey." she said, a bit awkwardly. she wasn't great with new people, despite having a job that relied on talking to new people all of the time.

"and i'm otto." otto held out his hand for her to shake, which she did happily.

"so, uh, how do you guys know each other? are you guys singers as well?" margot asked.

"nah, we all grew up in texas together." awsten replied.

"yeah, we tried to form a band when we were right out of high school, but it never really took off." geoff answered. he had a nice voice, all calming.

"oh, really? what was this band?" margot questioned. she couldn't really imagine awsten in a band. he had a huge personality all on his own.

"ah, it was a stupid name-" awsten started before otto cut him off.

"waterparks." he said, deadpan.

margot couldn't help it, she burst out laughing. awsten sighed at her.

"oh, come on, it's not that bad!" he protested.

"well..." margot started, but he placed his hand over her mouth.

she giggled after he removed it, not able to help it. they exchanged goodbyes with geoff and otto, awsten clearly trying to steer her away before they started telling her more embarrassing things about his life before LA.

they ran into a few more people as they relocated back into the the hallway leading into the living room. she and awsten chatted with them for a few seconds each, awsten introducing her to his good friends. she didn't recognize a lot of them, but she figured they could be musicians. she had a terrible memory anyways.

once they were relatively alone, margot took a peak into the room, realizing she couldn't see olive anymore.

it was still pretty early into the night, but she guessed that didn't stop her. she figured she could just be around the corner where margot couldn't see her, but who knew with that girl.

she just hoped awsten wouldn't leave her for too long. she didn't expect him to let her trail him like a lost puppy all night, obviously. but now that olive was m.i.a., she didn't know anyone except awsten.

she didn't figure any of his friends would want to entertain her either. she just figured she'd sit on his stupidly nice couch if she was left alone.

they moved to the living room finally, keeping close to the wall to avoid the group of people mingling and dancing in the middle of the living room.

"i think that might have been the longest week of my life," awsten started.

"oh yeah? and why's that?" margot said, looking up at him.

"well, i didn't see you all week, for one." he smirked.

it was true. after that day in the store, they'd both been too busy to meet up. she did miss him, which was embarrassing, but she didn't want to interrupt him if he was working.

"oh, stop that." she waved her hand dismissively. he frowned at her, grabbing her hand.

"i mean it, we were seeing each other around quite regularly. it was disappointing not seeing you." he pouted, squeezing her hand.

"yeah, i guess it was..." she agreed, smiling at him.

he smiled back, letting her hand drop. one of awsten's friends chose that moment to wobble up to them, clearly drunk.

"dude! you've gotta come over, we're talking about..." he had grabbed onto awsten and starting dragging him away half way through his sentence, letting it fade away into the music.

well, so much for not being left alone. although, it wasn't his fault. she wandered over to the couch, which was basically empty and tucked herself into the corner.

now, to wait.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now