☆ moving along ☆

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back again with more smut i am a man of the people (there's real plot in the next chapter i promise). also if there's timeline inconsistencies no there's NOT. LOOK AWAY.

margot woke up late in the morning with awsten's arms wrapped tight around her. she smiled, snuggling in further. she didn't really want to wake up, but she knew it couldn't be earlier than 11 at most.

she heard awsten chuckle behind her and then she was being tugged back into his chest so they were flush together.

"good morning, princess." he mumbled in her ear, his morning voice low and gravely. she resisted the urge to let out an embarrassing noise at that.

"good morning." she smiled, turning over so that they were face to face. he was still hot first thing in the morning. his green hair was mussed up and his face had a very soft expression, which made her stomach flutter when she realized it was directed at her.

he ducked down to kiss her but she held him back with a hand on his face. she could feel him pouting behind her hand and she tried not to giggle.

"i'm not kissing you before i've brushed my teeth." she said. "i'm not into morning breath."

"we'll have to remedy that immediately." awsten said, getting out of bed. he scooped her up princess style, ignoring her shriek of surprise.

"you know i can probably walk myself now, right?" she said, secretly enjoying the treatment he was giving her.

"you can never be too safe." he replied, but she could see he was smiling. it was a short walk to the bathroom, but she let herself spend the time admiring his face. he had a bit of beard growing in and she would be lying if she said it wasn't hot.

awsten set her down when they actually reached the bathroom, and she used the same toothbrush she used the night before. they brushed their teeth side by side and made silly faces at each other in the mirror. she finally took stock of all of the visible marks awsten had left on her the night before. she looked like she'd be mauled. but she saw that the ones she'd left were pretty visible as well and she smirked at that.

once they were done, awsten barely let her set her toothbrush down before he was pulling her into a kiss, both hands on her face.

when they pulled apart, margot asked, "happy now?" she giggled.

"nearly." he replied, pulling her back into a kiss. when he was satisfied, he drew back, asking "you wanna take a shower?"

"yeah." she agreed, and awsten got it ready while she stripped out of his clothes. he turned around to watch her undress.

"i really like you in my clothes." awsten said, "but i like you taking them off even more."

"you flatter me." she said, blushing slightly. they got into the shower and were decently focused until they got to washing their bodies. awsten took over for her, starting off just washing her body, but he started teasing her, dragging his hand over her tits for longer than he needed to.

she gave him a look, but he just smirked at her, dragging the washcloth lower and lower. he knelt down to make it easier for him. he went slowly over the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. she was pretty sure her legs were starting to shake a bit, still weak from last night and now thrown off by the way awsten kept getting closer and closer to where she wanted him but then drawing back.

she looked down at him only to find him staring back up at her. he had a smirk on his face. he dropped the cloth, let the water wash away the soap that had collected, and then connected his mouth to her clit.

"fuck!" she gasped, her hand immediately finding his hair. she was glad she was near a wall because she fell into it almost immediately as awsten sucked on her clit. he aided her standing by wrapping one of his hands around her thigh.

the other slid up to replace his mouth as it trailed lower to run his tongue along where she was already dripping. god, he was too good at that. and fucking enthusiastic.

he dragged his tongue to her hole, and pressed it inside her slowly while his thumb gave attention to her throbbing clit. he started quickly fucking his tongue in and out of her, overwhelming her immediately.

she couldn't help the moans she was letting out and the "awsten"s that was the only thing she could actually say.

it just encouraged him though, and he picked up his pace.

"fuck, please, awsten." she cried out, pulling his hair. she knew it wouldn't take her very long to get close and she was shaking from how turned on she was.

awsten worked faster, keeping constant stimulation on her at all times. eventually, she could feel the telltale signs that she was going to cum.

"close!" she moaned out, tightening her grip in his hair. not a minute later, she was cumming on his tongue.

he kept pressure on her to help her ride it out and only backed away when she pushed him away when she got oversensitive.

she leant against the wall, breathing heavily. he stood up and crowded her against the wall. when she recovered enough, she dragged him down to kiss her.

she could feel him pressing hard against her hip and she snaked her hand around to wrap around him. she could feel his sharp intake of breath, but other than that, he kept kissing her.

she would have to try harder than that. she started stroking him, keeping her hand tight and running her thumb over the head when she reached the top of his cock.

she sped the pace up slightly, aided by the water from the shower head to keep it slick.

awsten eventually had to pull away to pant into the crook of her neck, groaning whenever she reached the head. he was apparently pretty into eating her out, because he was leaking steadily even before she sped up.

"you're such a good girl for me." he managed to get out, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. he was cut off with a moan shortly after that.

he mumbled something into her neck, and then he was cumming over her hand. she stroked him through it, stopping when there wasn't anything left.

she was glad they were in the shower, because it washed it away quickly. they stood in silence for a little before margot spoke up.

"we're gonna have to wash ourselves off again." she said, giggling.

awsten groaned, kissing her again. she bet that they weren't gonna leave for a while.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now