☆ just her luck ☆

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somehow, margot went a couple days without seeing awsten. she was happy about this, because she was convinced she'd accidentally manifested him into her life. flynn didn't bring him up either, which surprised her. half of the things flynn talked to her about related to his favorite musicians, including awsten considering he'd done an event there.

except, she'd apparently gotten too comfortable because a week after the target incident, she was minding her own business and reorganizing their pop section because a bunch of teenagers had ransacked it earlier, and flynn approached her.

"hey, i need you to watch the registers for like an hour, i have a meeting in a bit and i just sent the other kid on break." flynn said, leaning against the shelf.

"yeah sure, who's the meeting with?" margot asked absentmindedly. she figured it was with one of their suppliers or the owner or something. usually she wasn't a part of meetings, but got the notes from flynn later.

"oh, i thought i told you, it's with awsten. we're talking about a release he's considering for the end of the year." he said.

her head shot up, swiveling to look at him. she almost dropped the record she was holding, but caught it at the last second.

"he's going to be here?" she managed to get out.

"yeah, i'm gonna need you to lead him to my office when he gets here. but it shouldn't take too long, so i can lead him out after we're done." flynn ruffled her hair and started walking away.

by the time she gathered her thoughts, he was too far away to shout after. fuck. was it super petty that she didn't want to see him? probably. did she care? not really. she slumped back to the counter, debating how easily she could convince that kid to come back from break early so that he could lead him back instead of her.

margot didn't get too far into that train of thought before awsten was entering the store. he was wearing another sweater and some tight jeans. of course, he was still rocking the neon hair. she frowned, but composed herself quickly. flynn would most likely not tolerate her kicking him out before the meeting even occurred.

"hey margot." he said, smiling at her. margot debated scowling at him and refusing to speak, but she relented. for her job only, really.

"hello. i can take you back to flynn's office." margot said flatly.

"you still upset with me?" margot wisely didn't answer. "thought so. i'll get you to forgive me at some point, i swear." awsten smirked at her. she had to look away quickly. he was unfortunately good looking, and he had a pretty nice smile. and listen, margot wasn't immune to pretty boys.

still, he was an asshole. she came out around the counter and he gestured out in front of them.

"lead the way, margot."

she cursed him out in her head. she lead him back to the office, knocking on flynn's office door. they waited in silence for a few seconds. margot was debating knocking again when awsten spoke.

"you know, i am sorry about being an asshole that day, but honestly, i've apologized so many times" awsten pouted at her.

"glad you could recognize that." margot said, in reference to him being an asshole.

"let me buy you a coffee or something some time to make up for it." he said, almost like he was pleading.

"i bet you offer that to all the girls." she said, rolling her eyes.

"nah, just the really pretty ones." he said. she glared at him, but he didn't look insincere. he was just smiling down at her. whatever.

margot was saved from answering by flynn finally opening his door, "hey, sorry about that, was on a call. thanks margot. awsten, you can come right in."

"see ya, margot." awsten said, wiggling his fingers at her in a wave. she scowled at his back.

"do you two know each other?" she could flynn hear as the door closed and she made her way back up to the front of the store. awsten wished, she thought.

she spent the entire meeting looking towards the door. the customers she was helping most likely thought she just didn't give a shit about them, which was only half true.

finally, right before her shift was about to end, flynn and awsten exited the office together. they did a little bro handshake thing, and then flynn walked awsten up to the front. they chatted for a bit before flynn said his goodbyes and headed around the counter.

"bye margot, hope i'll see you around." awsten winked at her before heading out of the store. she felt her face go a bit warm.

"seriously, do you guys know eachother? awsten said no, but it seems like you guys are friends." flynn asked, turning to her.

margot shook her head quickly, "no, no, we've just seen each other a few times since the event. trust me, we are not friends." she tried to reign it in, but it definitely sounded a bit harsh.

flynn held up his hands, "sorry i asked."

she sighed, looking at the clock. flynn looked with her.

"oh shit, your shift is about to be over. you can head out now, the store is basically empty anyways." which was true, it was really only them and the other employee working, who was in the back.

"alright thanks, see you tomorrow flynn." she left the counter and headed to the back to gather her stuff. when she got out to her car, she rested her head against the wheel. what the hell was her life. she turned on her car, switching to a random radio station. just her luck, turbulent by awsten knight started blaring in her car. she slammed her hand against the power button of the radio.

fuck it, she was going to drive home in silence.

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