☆ gossip ☆

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"you are in so much trouble." were margot's first words when she entered her apartment. she wasn't actually too angry, but she did live for the dramatic effect.

olive rounded the corner, coming out of the kitchen to face her. she looked confused as hell, which, fair.

"do you know what i was doing when you called me?" margot said, walking past olive to sit on the couch. damn, now that she'd sat on awsten's couch, their own cheap one was disappointing. olive sat next to her, clearly eager to here what was happening.

"uh, you were sitting around waiting for me to interact with you?" olive guessed. margot glared at her.

"obviously not." she said, laughing despite herself at olive's clearly fake pout.

"come on, tell me." olive begged. "what did i interrupt? oh my god, were you actually banging?" she gasped.

margot shrieked, "no! obviously not!"

olive smirked, "just checking! you never know." she shrugged. margot sighed, pausing for a second. the memory of what had happened brought heat to her cheeks.

"no, we just... well. he almost kissed me." margot admitted. olive suddenly launched herself at her, shaking her with excitement.

"what? he almost kissed you? oh my god! wait. okay. you have to tell me everything. start from the beginning." olive demanded. margot succeeded in pushing olive off of her, making the effort to fake-heave like olive had been crushing her.

"okay, so, he invited me over this morning because we were both not busy. it was just to watch some tv, hang out, that kind of stuff, right?" olive nodded along. "well, like half way through an episode, i fall asleep on him."

olive snickered, "dude, that's so embarrassing."

"thank you, i am aware of that." margot muttered. "anyways, don't interrupt. obviously, i wake up and i'm like 'oh my god, i'm so sorry, this is mortifying, etcetera, etcetera. but he was like chill with it. and he'd wrapped his arm around me while i was asleep."

olive's squeal broke up the story-telling, "oh my god. this is like a dream. i just processed that this was the awsten knight. i'm so jealous right now." she rambled on, but stopped at margot's glare.

"stop interrupting!" margot tried to throw her hand over olive's mouth, but she licked her palm. "gross!"

"hey, you put your hand over my mouth, you deserved it." olive countered.

"okay, whatever. anyways, so after i get over the whole falling asleep thing, we go back to watching the show. but then his stomach growls. and get this. he offered to make me dinner." margot paused for dramatic effect. "like real dinner, not like boxed mac and cheese." which was an actual meal one of her exes had made her. she always cringed thinking of that.

"so he cooks me dinner, and shows me how to do stuff, because we both know i'm useless in the kitchen," olive smirks and agrees, "and then we sit and eat and everything is fine, like he cooked me dinner, i fell asleep on him, but i'm being so chill." olive gives her a disbelieving look.

"okay so i was being chill on the outside. obviously i was freaking out a bit on the inside. who do you think i am?" margot amended. "plus, he, like, held my hands to drag me into the kitchen and didn't let go until he absolutely had to."

"what the fuck, dude." was all olive could say. margot took that as a cue to continue.

"after dinner, we head back into the living room, just to chill for a bit, and he finds out i'm ticklish, which, nightmare. anyways, he, like, tickles me and i fall back so he ends up, like, on top of me." she smacks at olive until she stops giggling. "not like that! he was just hovering, i guess. but, we stop laughing, and he looks at my lips. he was starting to lean down when, you guessed it, you fucking called me."

olive covered her face, giggling hard. margot flailed at her.

"it's not funny! it was so awkward after!" margot moaned.

"you're right, you're right, my bad." olive pulled herself together. "well, did you talk after or anything?"

"no, no, just him telling me to text him when i got home." margot said.

"oh wow, he's really in love with you." olive said, stone-faced.

"shut up!" margot yelled. "shit, i forgot to text him that i was home. at least some part of this conversation was productive." olive scoffed in defiance.

hey, made it home :)
thanks for today

good! and it was fun

we should do it again

yeah, of course!

awsten hearted her message, and she left it at that. olive, who was apparently looking over her shoulder, gasped.

"dot dot dot. oh my god he so wants to kiss you." olive proclaimed.

"no he doesn't! he just meant that he wants to hang out, that's all." margot defended.

"no one uses the ellipses like that unless they mean something else." olive said. "boy wants to bang you."

"stop saying bang!" margot cried.

"grow up!" olive countered. they fell into silence for a second. "well, i certainly don't need any more entertainment today. that was plenty."

"my life is not supposed to be your entertainment." margot pouted.

"ah, but it's just so good." olive said. "plus, my life is so boring right now. what am i supposed to do besides bug you for fun stories about your own life?"

"maybe try getting your own." margot snarked.

"awe, but you love telling me shit. otherwise, you'd just explode." olive said. she was probably right. it's not like she kept a diary or anything.

"okay, well you dragged me home in the middle of something, so we are in fact going to watch a movie and you don't have a choice." margot said.

"twilight?" olive offered.

"twilight." margot agreed.

they had seen that movie probably an insane amount, but it was just so easy to watch and make fun of. plus, it kept them easily entertained.

they spent the rest of the night analyzing twilight and laughing at all the stupid lines. margot decided she wasn't too mad at olive anymore.

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