☆ we need to talk ☆

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sorry for the cliffhanger i love my fans

we need to talk

yeah, that much was obvious. margot felt her chest tighten. just her luck, he had texted her only a few minutes before she checked her phone. now, it would be a bit hard to pretend she hadn't seen it.

she sighed, taking a lap around her room to try and get rid of some of the anxiety. she wasn't sure whether to text back immediately or just let it sit until the morning. she knew which one she was going to do, because leaving it sit sounding like the worst thing to do. yes, she wanted to make him wait, but she knew she wasn't going to get any sleep if it just sat there, haunting her.

she grabbed her phone and stared at the text. how the hell was she supposed to answer this? if olive hadn't gone to bed, she would've ran in there and made her respond, but she didn't have that option.

fuck it, she just went with her gut.


i know you're probably
pissed at me and you
have every right to be

but i need to explain

please, margot

alright. when?


when do you get off

i can pick you up

7, and fine, that works

thank you

i promise i'll explain


goodnight awsten

goodnight margot

she put her phone down after that, burying her face in her pillow. she felt horrible being so dry but it was the same energy she was getting when he was actually responding to her earlier in the week. he did seem kind of desperate to explain himself.

it wasn't a surprise when she slept like shit that night.

if margot wasn't alone in the store, she was sure flynn would have had a talk with her about actually paying attention, but he wasn't here, so she got away with spacing out her entire shift.

it was the middle of the week, so it wasn't like there was many people there in the first place and the few customers she had were easy enough that it wasn't a problem.

the whole situation was affecting her way more. she almost wondered if it would've been better if she hadn't ever responded to him, and cut all contact, but deep in her head she knew that she would've just been miserable.

apparently, disassociating made the time go by pretty fast, because her shift was over before she knew it. she'd gotten a text from awsten letting her know he was on his way about 30 minutes before it ended, so she spent all of that time on the verge of a panic attack.

maybe she needed to refill her anxiety meds prescription.

she could see his car pulling up on the street as she locked up and made sure everything was set for the next day, purposely going a little slower than she needed to.

finally, she ran out of things to delay the inevitable, so she walked out to his car. she'd had taylor drive her to work so that she didn't have to worry about leaving her car to sit around for however long this took her, but she was kind of regretting it now.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now