☆ lunch trips ☆

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dragging herself back into work after the weekend margot had was the last thing she wanted to do.

the second flynn had caught sight of her neck, he'd laughed for five minutes straight, calling her an idiot. she'd scowled at him but kept her mouth shut. she was worried that she might accidentally admit who'd given her the marks and that would be way more embarrassing than just having them in the first place.

she prepared herself for another boring shift, stuck in the back doing inventory and paperwork. flynn had complained she wasn't doing enough assistant manager duties recently, and when she said he was the one who scheduled her, he'd stuck her back here.

at least she could go on her phone to take a break whenever she wanted.

she carried on labeling things and marking down items for a bit until flynn came back into the room.

"there's someone up front asking for you." he said, smirking at her.

she didn't trust that look on his face. "who is it? is it olive?" she asked. he wouldn't answer.

"you can take your break now if you want." was all flynn said as he wandered out of the back room back into his office. she frowned, standing up.

she didn't know who would've specifically asked for her if they came into her work. olive most likely would've just walked back here anyways. flynn was just used to her doing whatever she wanted while margot was working anyways.

she had to walk around a corner to get to the front, so she didn't see who it was until she had already made it half way up to the counter in the first place.

margot couldn't help her smile when she spotted who it was. "i should've guessed," she said when she was close enough.

awsten turned around from where he was idly looking through a case of vintage records and smiled back at her.

"hey, margot!" he said. "sorry for coming in, i just wanted to see you."

she could feel her face heat up. it was different when awsten came here as her friend to bug her at work, but now he was here with both of them knowing how they felt about each other.

"no need to apologize, i appreciate the break from work. speaking of which, i am actually about to be on break." she said, walking around him to get to the counter to clock out. she gave a small smile to the kid working the register as she walked back out.

"do you wanna get lunch then?" awsten asked, smiling down at her.

"yeah! i have like thirty minutes, but there's a couple quick places around here we can go." margot said.

they walked out to awsten's car together, awsten sliding his hand into hers. she felt a bit faint and hoped her hand wasn't sweaty. she'd just blame it on the heat if it was.

he even opened his door for her once they got to his car.

"wow, what a gentleman." she teased him. he just smiled at her and backed out of the parking lot.

it didn't take them long to find a place to eat, just a sandwich shop near her work. they got their stuff to go and sat at one of the tables outside.

awsten had insisted on paying for her lunch, which made her feel like this was a little bit of a date. margot didn't want to get her hopes up though, so she pushed down that thought.

it was quiet for a bit while they ate, but it wasn't uncomfortable. she was glad that the easy feeling around him hadn't faded after the party.

"i'm glad that you're here with me." awsten said when they'd mostly finished their food.

"me too, thanks for rescuing me from work." margot giggled.

"it was my pleasure." awsten said, bowing as best as he could sitting down.

margot seriously felt like a teenager again, with butterflies in her stomach. it was terribly cliche, but she hadn't ever had an ex treat her this nicely, which meant the bar was basically in hell.

"so, what's your work schedule like this week?" he started.

"um... i have zero idea, hold on." margot said, pulling out her phone. she relayed her schedule off to awsten, letting him know the days and hours she worked. "why, what's up?" she asked.

"i was wondering if you wanted to come over again, to my apartment. we could hang out, watch a movie or something." he said, rubbing the back of his neck. if she didn't know better, she would've thought he was nervous asking her. that was silly, because she'd pretty much say yes to whatever he asked her.

"yeah! does tomorrow night work? i get off earlier than i do the rest of the week." she said, grinning at him.

"perfect. i look forward to it." he said, his face a bit red. margot looked at the time, realizing they probably needed to head back soon if she was going to make it back to her work in time.

they gathered their stuff and headed back to the car. awsten offered his arm to her to take, and she did, giggling.

they drove back slowly, listening to the radio and chatting about everything and nothing. margot finally got out the car when they arrived, dreading going back to work.

awsten came around to her side, getting ready to say goodbye.

"i'll text you tonight, and we can figure out what time you wanna come over, okay?" he said.

"sounds good." margot said, "i'll see you later."

"bye, margot." he said. she got about ten feet away before he called out to her.

"margot, wait!" he grasped her hand.

"woah!" she said, giggling as he tugged her into his chest. her giggling was quickly cut off as he kissed her softly. she melted into it instantly.

he pulled away after only a few seconds, but it was long enough for her to be sad it ended. "okay, now i'll see you later." awsten said, grinning cheekily at her.

she rolled her eyes and turned away, finally going back into work.

she spent the rest of her shift in a happy daze, periodically pressing her fingers to her lips in awe.

tour starts today so i wrote cute fluff to cope, hope y'all enjoy!

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now