☆ domestic ☆

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margot came to in a bed that was definitely not her own. it took her a second to remember where she was, but when she did, she noticed strong arms wrapped around her waist, and a warm body pressed to her back.

awsten was still asleep, so she enjoyed the closeness for a minute, sighing happily. she was still a bit sore, but she'd get over it.

she could just barely reach her phone and grabbed it to check the time. it was still relatively early, so she was surprised she was up. she didn't have work until the afternoon, too, so she debated going back to bed.

before she could decide, awsten shifted behind her. his arms flexed around her and he spoke quietly into her ear, "good morning pretty girl."

margot had to take deep breaths to calm herself after hearing his gravely morning voice. it was unfairly hot.

she turned around to face him, smiling up at him. she became aware then that they were both still naked. she tried not to think about it and instead focused on awsten's face.

"good morning." she said. he pressed a kiss to her forehead in response.

"what time do you have to go to work?" awsten asked trailing kisses down the side of her face while he talked.

"not until one." she answered, grasping on to his bicep.

"plenty of time." awsten said.

she was about to ask for clarification but he rolled over her before she could speak. all the breath left her.

"round two, princess?" he smirked, propping himself above her. she could feel him swelling against her thigh.

she could barely nod before he leant down to suck a hickey into her neck and suddenly she couldn't really say much at all.

after they finally dragged themselves out of bed, awsten pulled margot into the shower with him. he carried her the whole way, because for some reason her legs were shaky. she went along with it, giggling when he almost slipped trying to get her in the water.

awsten insisted on washing her hair for her, and she was sceptical until she saw that he actually used good products.

"i thought you'd use three-in-one, honestly." she laughed as he started shampooing her.

"how dare you. i'm a man of taste, obviously." he sniffed. she could hear the laugh under his voice though.

"sorry, sorry." she wasn't too sorry though.

after that, they went a bit silent, margot letting herself relax under his hands scrubbing so gently at her scalp.

he had her rinse and then repeated the steps with conditioner. while she let it sit, she begged him to let her do his hair.

"you're too short, i'd have to kneel for you to reach." he teased her.

"excuse me, but you seemed pretty happy on your knees last night." margot had no idea where her confidence had come from, but it was too late to shut her mouth now.

he choked, his eyes widening at her, "damn, princess, didn't know you could talk like that." awsten said, gasping. "just for that, i'm washing my own hair."

she pouted, but she didn't want to have to reach to do it anyways. eventually, they moved to washing each other's bodies after taking a few breaks to allow awsten to push her up against the wall and kiss her stupid.

awsten let her wash his body at least, and she took her time scrubbing over his arms and chest for purely selfish reasons. he caught on to what she was doing, but didn't try to stop her.

when it was awsten's turn, he was still extremely gentle, even if he teased her by running over her tits more times than necessary. they'd been in the shower long enough that both of their hands and fingers had pruned up, so they decided to get out.

they toweled off separately but stayed as close to each other as possible. he gave her an extra brush he had lying around so she could brush her hair out, and she decided to let it air dry.

by the time they migrated back into her room, margot became aware of a problem.

fuck, all of her clothes were on awsten's floor. she could rewear her shorts and undergarments, but she wouldn't be able to wear the top she'd worn here.

she she was pulling on the rest of her clothes, awsten came up behind her. he had apparently realized her predicament and was holding out a shirt to her.

"figured you would need some sort of fresh clothing to wear to work." he explained. she took the shirt without looking at it and slid it on. her mistake though, because it was merch of him.

"you own your own merch?" she asked, incredulously.

"of course i do, i'm my own biggest fan." awsten smirked at her. "come on, i know you can wear band tees to work, and flynn loves me." he fake-poured at her.

she sighed, "well, i've already put it on..." fuck it, she'd just wear it, even if it was slightly mortifying, like everyone could know what she was doing with the owner of the shirt.

it fit her pretty nicely too, just slightly oversized so she could wear it comfortably.

"okay, breakfast time?" awsten asked. despite the fact that it was already late morning, margot agreed. she was starving for some reason...

he cooked them egg sandwiches and they sat hip to hip on the couch to eat. even his breakfast food was good.

she might keep him around just so he could feed her.

once they were cleaned up, awsten offered her an extra toothbrush so she could brush her teeth. she thanked him and did so quickly. he lived further away from her work than she did, so she knew they would have to leave soon.

awsten pouted when she had to leave, clinging to her hand until she got to the door. she made sure she had everything, glad she'd thrown a charger into her bag so she could charge her phone at work, considering it was almost dead.

"i'll see you later, yeah?" awsten asked, propping one arm on the door frame. she smiled up at him.

"absolutely." he pulled her into another kiss, pressing her against the door quickly before pulling back.

"something to remember me by, pretty girl." with that, she left, cheeks flaming. she hoped that it would die down by the time she got to work, but she doubted it.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now