☆ official ☆

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WARNING! smut content ahead! this is dedicated to all my friends who keep texting me "im hungry" "im starving" "feed us".

when they got back to awsten's apartment, they went straight to living room. they kicked off their shoes and awsten grabbed a couple blankets so they could cuddle together on the couch. they both agreed that they didn't want to watch anything they had to pay too much attention to, so awsten threw on an episode of the office.

once that was taken care of, awsten pulled margot into his lap, situating her so that she was straddling his lap. his hand came up to brush one of her curls behind her ear then sliding down to cup her face.

"you know i can't see the tv like this, right?" she asked, though she was perfectly happy right where she was. it's not like she was planning on paying attention anyways.

"oh, by all means, move away." he teased, laughing when she made no move to turn. "thought so."

she moved her arms up to rest in his shoulders to bring them closer and give her a little leverage. he smiled up at her, thumbing over her cheek.

"so, how was that for a first date?" awsten asked, looking directly into her eyes.

"definitely one of the best i've ever been on." margot answered honestly. "i had a lot of fun, despite the fact that i was in a dress and heels." she giggled.

"had to throw you off my tracks." awsten replied. "i'm glad you had fun. would've been really awkward if you hated it."

"honestly, there would've been very little you could've done to make me hate it." she admitted, wanting to hide her face. it was embarrassing being so honest, but he deserved to know.

"you flatter me." awsten started. "i've got to ask you something, princess." he said, his eyes flicking up to the crown still resting on her head. she'd honestly forgotten it was there.

"yeah, what's up?" she asked, suddenly nervous. she knew it couldn't have been anything bad, considering she was on his lap, but who knew.

awsten cleared his throat, putting on a serious face, "margot, now that we've gone on our official first date," he paused a second for dramatic effect, "will you be my girlfriend?"

margot fought to stop letting out a sigh of relief. she'd thought it was going to be something completely different. once she processed what he'd asked her, a giant smile split across her face.

"yes, i would love to be your girlfriend." margot replied, leaning into his hand.

"oh, thank god." awsten replied, pulling her into a kiss. margot sighed into it. they were both smiling a bit too much to properly kiss.

awsten pulled back, pressing a quick peck to her mouth before fully pulling apart. he reached up, finally pulling the plastic tiara from her hair so that he could run his hands through it.

awsten moved his hands to her waist, tugging her closer. he brought one hand up to tip her face into his and capture her lips in a proper kiss.

for once, they didn't immediately fall into a heated make out and actually kept it relatively tame. it was just incredibly nice to be kissed like that. they kissed for a while, margot's hands moving from awsten's neck into his hair.

eventually, they had to back up to breathe, but awsten kept her close, holding her near him with a tight grip on her hips.

"can't believe you're my girlfriend." awsten muttered. they were so close that volume wasn't "i'm so lucky."

margot shook her head, "no, i'm the lucky one, i think." she disagreed.

awsten groaned, tipping his head into the crook of her neck, "i'm not gonna fight about it, but you're so wrong." the feeling of his breath on her neck made her shiver.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now