☆ the park ☆

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margot hated to admit it, but she was definitely just waiting around waiting for awsten to text her back. besides him just shooting her a quick text telling her he'd saved her contact, there'd been nothing.

she was currently sitting at a park, because despite it being april, it was a beautiful day outside, and she felt worse waiting around inside than she did here. she was just sitting on a random bench because she was too lazy to walk the trails.

it's not like she could distract herself at work either, because flynn had given her some time off so that he could train some highschoolers that would work for them over the summer. she had offered to help train, but flynn was worried she'd end up pulling the "well, you're supposed to do it this way, but i do it this way." she couldn't blame him, because she'd pulled that many times.

margot wasted time scrolling through her social media, responding to snapchats (because yes, despite her being in her twenties, she still used snapchat), replying to tweets, anything she could find to pass the time.

she got lost in her phone, which was a terrible habit she'd tried to break many, many times, unsuccessfully. suddenly, someone grabbed her shoulder, causing her to jump and swear. she whipped her head around, ready to fight, before seeing awsten.

"what the fuck?" was all she could get out. she was pretty sure her heart was racing like crazy.

awsten grinned down at her. he swung around to sit on the bench next to her, angling his body towards hers.

"we've got to stop meeting like this." he said. she glared at him in response. "oh come on, don't look at me like that." he pouted back.

"you scared the shit out of me, dude." she complained.

"god forbid i have fun anymore." he sniffed, ramping up the dramatics. margot rolled her eyes. "i was just about to text you, but then i saw you sitting over here and thought it would be much better to talk in person."

"you couldn't have, i don't know, walked up to me like a normal person?" margot said.

"of course not!"

margot sighed, but she wasn't actually upset, "how come i've seen you everywhere for the past couple of weeks, but not at all before that? you stalking me or something?" she teased.

"you wish. no, i just got back from tour." oh. well duh. she felt a bit stupid, obviously he would've been on tour.

"nah, i think you're stalking me." she doubled down. he laughed.

"if that's what you want to think..." awsten replied.

"what are you even doing in the park anyways? aren't you afraid you'll get mobbed or something?" she said.

"i'm a normal person, just like you. i don't get mobbed." he laughed, shaking his head. "but, usually i'm free to go in public without worrying about that kind of stuff. i'm not like taylor swift level." she nodded, that made sense to her. "i was just on a walk."

"mhm, it is such a nice day."

"even better now that i've seen you." awsten winked at her. she turned her face away so that he couldn't see the blush appearing. he had to stop doing that.

"i bet you say that to all the girls." margot said, rolling her eyes jokingly.

"of course i do, they eat it up." awsten teased.

"it won't work on me. i'm above all that." she waved her hand dramatically. he laughed, clearly not believing her. whatever, he could think whatever he wanted to, it didn't change anything. (of course, she was lying to herself.)

"sure, sure." awsten said. "you doing anything out here or just enjoying the weather." she debated answering him honestly, but immediately decided against it.

that would be way too embarrassing for her.

"enjoying the weather," margot decided to say, "plus i have some time off work this week so i have nothing better to do than sit here. olive had to kick me out of our apartment because my pacing was "driving her crazy"." at least that part was true. she threw some air quotes around olive's words.

"olive's your roommate that's.. obsessed with me?" awsten asked. oh shit, she'd forgotten she'd said that, she was so worried about accidentally outing flynn for being a huge fan.

"haha... yeah... she keeps bugging me to get you to sign her fandom cd because she knows that we keep running into each other." margot admitted.

"and you told her no?" awsten clutched a hand to his chest. "you would let down one of my biggest fans?"

margot laughed at his actions, "i mean, if you want to sign it, go for it, but i wasn't going to whore you out to my roommate just because i knew you." she shrugged.

"tell her i will. i can swing by your work one day if you want to let her know to meet me there." awsten offered.

"i think she might actually cry. or pass out. both are very real option." she said. olive tended to get very worked up about her favorite artists.

"i would pay to see that. i think most people hold back until i can't see them anymore to properly freak out." he said.

"i definitely would be one of those people. i would be way too embarrassed to act like that in front of a celebrity." margot laughed.

"no way, i bet you're a crier." he prodded.

"i've never cried, ever." she lied, giggling.

"oh, yeah, i truly believe that." awsten said. "well, i should probably head back. i'll actually get around to texting you this time, but the opportunity presented itself to say hello in person first." he said, getting up.

margot stayed sitting, but waved at him as he walked away.

olive was going to freak the fuck out when she told her awsten agreed to sign her cd.

well. if she believed her first.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now