☆ closer ☆

206 6 17

hey, warning! there will be smut in this chapter, feel free to skip if it makes you uncomfortable :)

awsten set her down so gently on his bed that she was a bit shocked. she expected it to be rough off the bat but she liked how it was going so far.

he stood over her and stared down at her, his eyes roaming her body. he slid his hands under her shirt, thumbing at her sides, "can i take this off, pretty girl?"

her breath caught, but she managed a nod. he pulled the tank top off of her quickly, leaving her in just her red lace bra. awsten slid one hand up to cup her breast through the fabric, squeezing lightly before moving back to take his own shirt off.

"just to make it fair," he winked at her. her eyes fell to his abs immediately, along with the dark trail of hair disappearing behind the waistband of his pants. she lifted her hands shyly, running them up the lines of his stomach.

she was too short sitting down to reach much further, so she let herself be content with just grabbing at his hips.

awsten then knelt down, placing a quick but dirty kiss on her lips before hitting the ground, sitting in between her legs. he slid his hands up to rest right at the place where her thighs met her hips. he tapped her hip to get her to lift up, and then he slid her shorts off quickly.

awsten kneeling in between her legs with no shirt on and her in just her matching bra and panties caused wetness to start pooling between her legs.

"matching set, huh? just for me, princess?" he finished the sentence by kissing up her thigh, stopping right before the edge of her thong.

"y-yeah. just for you." she said, her voice shaky.

"you mind if i take these off?" he asked, already tugging lightly at the waistband of her panties.

"please." she almost gasped. she lifted her hips again to let him drag them off, and he did so slowly, teasing her by making direct eye contact and smirking up at her.

"can i touch you, princess?" awsten asked, gripping her thighs to slide them further open for him.

"god, please, awsten." she said. he rewarded her by sliding his hand up and pressing his thumb to her clit. she gasped, her head falling back.

"lay back, sweetheart. i've got you." he said. she laid back, glad that she wouldn't have to try to hold herself up with awsten touching her. he rubbed tight circles on her clit while she did so, and her arms immediately started shaking the last second they were holding her up.

awsten adjusted his hand so he could still keep pressure on her and also slide a finger along her folds. he pressed one long finger against her opening, and at the shifting of her hips, he slid it into her.

she gasped immediately, trying to press her hips down for more. it had been so long since she'd done anything that just his finger was enough to feel good. after a couple of thrusts, he pressed another beside his first and slid both into her at once.

she let out her first moan of the night, grasping at the bed sheets. she thought that the fingers would be good enough for now, but then she heard awsten mumble.

"fuck, i need to taste you." and he slid out his fingers, keeping his thumb circling her clit. she lifted her head up in just enough time to see him bury his head in between her legs and lick a stripe up her pussy.

her head dropped quickly, a sharp moan ripped from her chest. he clearly knew how to use his tongue, flicking it across her clit before pressing the flat of it against her.

ambivalence ☆ // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now